Michele Dickerson
Hello Sister Friend! I am humbled and honored you decided to stop by! 
I pray you receive encouragement and practical helps your heart may need. I don't believe in coincidences...I believe in Divinely led steps, so I am especially excited you are here!!!
Welcome to My Online Home! Feel free to click around! 
As an Introvert, I know time & energy are precious resources. Let me help you decide if we are a good connection: 
I am a Jesus, family, coffee, chocolate loving, Jeep driving, island living, shy-ish girl. 

I am an Introvert who loves moments when Sisters Gather around the Heart of God (not just a Bible Study) and lives a joy-full, grateful, authentic life together! I love to empower women with hearts for the Lord, and help the shy ones rise up in courage!

 I am OVER 50 now and I choose to live an intentional, peaceful, fun, eternal legacy focused, drama free life! 
I am all about HOPE & HUGS, NOT HYPE & HUSTLE! 

Here are some of the places I share my heart encouragements outside of this site ...

Here's the Online Sister Community you've been looking for!

For those who loves the Q's....here ya go!

More socials at the bottom of the site too!! 

OHHHH....GUESS WHAT?!? I am on another Social spot....AMAZON!
Here's my Author Page: 


In Grace, Joy, Service,

My heart LOVES helping 
Introvert Mama Leaders step into their heart's calling, 
helping her rise up over perfectionism, secret insecurities, 
and shyness without the fear of judgement from others as she CHOOSES to serve her Audience of One.

This is Living Where Faith Is.
This is Grace.
This is where The Heart of God is. 

Grab My FREE PDF to Help You Develop Your Heart Story:

Blessings People have Spoken over my Heart as we do Work, Life, Events & Ministry together...

“Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, 
having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words.” – George Eliot

Welcome to My Online Heart & Home!

Kick off Your Boots or Flip Flops and Come On In!

I look forward to Getting to Know You! 

If You want to Know More About Me, 

Hugs & Blessings, Michele
Philippiajns 2:3-4