At the feet of Jesus is where our strength comes from. It took me a while for me to receive strength from community because of the wall fear had built. I believe we were created to walk out this life with others, where 2 or more are gathered in His Name. Worship is found gathered around the heart of God. What a beautiful and powerful experience when shared in community with other like-minded women.
I am not called to lead Worship from a musical stage, I am called to lead Women into Worship, in their heart...through God's heart revealed in mine through my writings and gatherings online and off, refreshing a little heart flame into a consuming fire that burns away the meaningless antics and shines bright in the darkness.
I find great joy seeing hope ignited and hearts refreshed!
Writing is worship for me, to lead others towards His Heart, to bring Light and Love into the conversations, online and off. I am certainly not the greatest writer, maybe a little on the wordy side...okay, a LOT of wordy words, but this is my heart's unfiltered expression of surrender. Even us Introverts have many words, lol!
This is my worship. Look at you worshiping with me RIGHT NOW!!
I could go on and on about all my insecurities that have been my truths. I could share all about the Mama and Marriage woes that didn't line up with Cinderella's story. It's all wisdom scars! Battle wounds with stories to tell!
Even though I was born in the Church Nursery and rarely miss a Sunday for most of my life, it wasn't until 2009 I saw His Heart and feel in love and surrender and deer trust with my God my Father, Faithful Friend, Savior and King.
Many of us grew up fearing Him and His powerful acts of destruction. I never saw His powerful acts of Love and Long suffering. I didn't know Him as Father and Friend. God was Judge, Creator and King. I served Him, afraid of His wrath should I fail Him, becoming a pillar of salt looking back, or not seeing the rising waters and being shut out of His Ark.
Over these precious years, I have come to understand Grace, Peace and Courage and how necessary it is to leave space for it. I have also learned the important of spending time with Him and receiving His love that comes from His and through others He sends.
My insecurity and fears muted me for a long, long time. When God gathered that mud and spit in it and washed my eyes to see, my heart began to hydrate and the protective wall began to crumble, brick by brick.
His Spirit is soul hydration. His Love is a consuming fire.
His heart is for us and He has a purpose and a plan for each of us.
So here I am choosing to share a moment...well, many moments of worship with you. I have worshiped through blogs, social media shares and posts. I have hosted small Women's Retreats and led Women's Events and I even wrote a "book" and now my heart holds many in the creative space in my soul to formulate into words, to worship on the shelves of community.
We all have a story and trust me...I am way more interested in hearing YOURS than sharing mine but I know we live in a world of "You first." Well, God does tell us to love others because He first loved us so there's that!
I hope you find this space encouraging, helpful, and practical. I'll be sharing writings and products that have helped me walk in Grace. But most of all, I pray you find Peace, Grace and renewed Joy. And Lord willing, I pray we find a Sisterhood Community together. I would love to have more friends F*R*I*E*N*D*S, more Golden Girl lifeline friendships. I am blessed to already have Winnie the Pooh friends and how precious they are to me.
Above and through all my words is Jesus. Within my every post and prayer is Jesus. He's my everything. I pray through my story you see His Glory. I pray you see His Hearts and through them, you are refreshed!
I look forward to connecting with you! I hope you're still awake after reading this looooong introduction, but should hopefully feel like you know if we can be friends or not! Not everyone is for everyone! Totally good!
I am H.I.S. (Heart in Service & Surrender)
Hugs & Blessings Sisters,