Why is it important to Guard Your Energy?
In a world that is open 24/7, EXCEPT FOR Chick-Fil-A, how do we not allow ourselves to be running 24/7? I uploaded a video over on the YouTube while I was out for a walk discussing this topic. Our world demands our undivided attention so what do we do? How do we say no? How do we guard our hearts and energy?
Years ago before I understood this concept, I learned this lesson the heard way. I exasperated my adrenals with running on fumes for sooooooo many years trying to be everything to everyone, all the time. Since then, I have learned how to guard my energy and being okay saying NO THANK YOU! That's a BIGGIE right there! As a heart of Hospitatlity, it's hard to say No, but we will talk about that in the next blog!
I think God gave us the Holy Spirit for these times especially. He leads us to the things He has planned for us and leads us away from the things that distract and depleted us. We are not to conform to this world.
I love the wisdom of Matthew 6:33...seek FIRST the Kingdom of God! It's so easy, I know, to want to please everyone and put other's before ourselves...and yet, here we find the guarding and discerning skills!
In the meantime, feel free to hop over to the You Tube chat HERE!
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Heart Hugs and Blessings,