Have you ever considered the lineage of your “Yes”? That one, small act of surrender to God carries more significance than we often realize. Your “Yes” isn’t just for you—it has a ripple effect that touches lives and spans generations.
It’s easy to get caught up in our personal struggles with decision-making:
- Should I?
- Would I?
- Can I?
- Do I even want to?
The enemy wants you to believe that your “Yes” doesn’t matter—but it does. Your “Yes” carries eternal value in God’s timeline!
Why Your Yes Matters
Matthew 6:33 reminds us to: “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Why? Because God created each of us with a specific plan and purpose in mind. We’re intricate dots in the grand tapestry of His divine timeline.
Look at the lineage of Jesus: every individual’s choice to surrender and say “Yes” to the Lord impacted future generations—including us today. Your simple “Yes” holds that same power.
A Real-Life Yes Lineage
Recently, I reflected on my own “Yes lineage,” and it left me in awe of how God weaves lives together for our good and His glory.
Here’s a little lineage story:
1. Martha’s Yes
My friend Martha first said “Yes” to becoming a Daughter of the King. Later, she said “Yes” to being used by God in online business where I met her. Her Yes allowed my Yes which is what connected us. Her Yes to serving online led her to another connection who led her to Diana who was hosting a Faith & Fitness conference in Tampa, Florida. Diana invited her to speak and Martha said Yes!
2. Diana’s Yes
Diana first said YES to being a Daughter of the King. then to be used by God (with her hubby) to help people in Faith & Fitness and host an event where she would invite amazing leaders like Martha, Alita and Brent to speak.
3. My Yes
Because I wanted to support my friend as a speaker, I joined the Zoom Diana hosted introducing the Speakers for the event. Here I would "meet" several of them. God nudged my heart to grab a ticket and go! It aligned with my heart for Faith & Fitness. God showed me the value to be in the same room as these amazing leaders. It was an answered prayer for helping me sit under Implementing Leaders. I wrestled with imposter syndrome but ultimately said “Yes” to grabbing a VIP ticket, to find myself as worthy of it. I knew I needed to sit closer to leadership, and that decision changed everything.
4. Alita’s Yes
Diana invited Alita, who's first Yes to the Lord was followed by another “Yes” to leading a women’s ministry. At one point in the event, Alita sat next to me, and when she asked if we could pair up to speak life into each other, I said “Yes”—and that connection has been a blessing ever since.
5. Brent and Becky’s Yes
This sweet couple said “Yes” to following God’s call to ministry and encouragement many years ago. They also said “Yes” to attending Diana’s event, where I was blessed by their wisdom and kindness that continues today.
That one small “Yes” to support my friend Martha, who said “Yes” to speak at an event hosted by Diana, has turned into countless blessings over the past year. My word for 2024 was “More,” and through these connections, God has indeed shown me “more”—more friends, more blessings, and more clarity for my ministry.
Now, as 2025 approaches, my word is “Simplify.” And it all started with one simple Yes, in a long lineage of yeses.
Friend, your “Yes” doesn’t begin or end with you. You are part of a divine lineage that started In the Beginning and will continue long after. Just as every “Yes” in the lineage of Jesus impacted eternity, so does yours.
This is not a call to say YES to everything. We must discern the will of God first!
When you follow the nudge and hear God ask, you can trust Him with your “Yes” in surrender, obedience, and faith. Someone else’s breakthrough, blessing, or next step is likely waiting on the other side of your Yes!
Keep it simple.
“Yes, Lord, Yes.”
Reflection Question:
What is God asking you to say “Yes” to today? Will you step out on faith and trust Him on this eternal timeline?
Lean not on your own understanding!!
He's Got You!!
So much Love as H.I.S. (Heart in Surrender),
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This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!
Heart Hugs and Blessings,