Mom Stress ; Is trying to be Super Mom stressing you out?!? Part 2

In a recent blog post, the author shares her journey of realizing the need to block not just her time, but also her energy. Creating a calendar in a word document, she meticulously listed out all the tasks and responsibilities she needed to accomplish each day. Recognizing the impossibility of getting everything done quickly while considering the energy required, she also learned the importance of taking time off. Giving herself permission to rest, she set aside a specific time each day to take a guilt-free break, as well as waking up early to pray, meditate, and prepare for the day. This intentional approach allowed her to reset and feel accomplished, avoiding burnout. She encourages others to do the same and provides practical tips for managing time and energy effectively.

Easter Eve Thoughts How to Have a Beautiful Easter Sunday as a Family

Let's chat about keeping calm on this Easter Eve.

Overwhelmed Moms Finding Grace

It wasn't easy to learn to rest when life was so full of needs and expectations. Learning to carve out a space of Grace, a time of stillness and worship in the day, was hard in the beginning. The enemy would whisper, "You are so lazy." "You should keep going," "You don't have time to just sit there praying."

Permission to NOT Be a Perfect Mom

God did not create us for a robotic life of busyness and living life on auto-pilot, constantly hustling to achieve the next expectation in the name of proving worthiness, or the evidence of what a Christian Woman should live and look like.

The evidence is Jesus, and we are His vessels of Love here on this Earth, that all people in all nations will know the Grace of God…not the judgements of God.