Endurance doesn’t level out…you’ll always be enduring as you up level in each healing place. Healing is a forever thing this side of glory! We will always be fighting the good fight!

I just didn’t know I could change. I thought I was just me. When it’s all you know, it’s simply all you know. This is why speaking life is so important along with Sisterhood, Mentorships, personal development and community.
Born into the Cradle Roll at our church by a military Dad and Friend-to-Everyone Mom, “going above and beyond and doing the right thing" was basically my DNA. You add in my shy, insecure personality and there ya have your official Shy Girl, Holy Rolly, Goodie Two Shoes, always trying to be perfect and pure, not causing any issues, church girl.
I accepted my Less-Than-Ness, fueled in the comparison game of observing the brilliance and beauty of everyone else seemingly living the perfect life. While my mindset was completely wrong, my heart was pure, desiring to be better and live "right" before God, family and others. It would be many, many years later I learned to live a life of Grace and honor rather than perfection and perception.
You don’t have to go very far online or out in the world to discover the next newest thing you don’t have and why you (apparently) need it now!
You can't help but wonder if it could be true. Those of us who struggle with insecurity are the perfect customer for these commercials. We are willing to try any and every thing out there in the quest for becoming better.
After years of self-doubt and constant fear of judgement, I collapsed under the pressure falling prostrate into a pit. Thankfully God knew I was heading that way, and He had already lined it with grace.
Grace softened my fall. It bruised me, and scared me, but it didn't kill me.
Grace caught me.
Grace said Just be you. Grace said Life is short. Grace said Worship, not worry. Grace said Fear not! Grace said I am capable and you are in My hands. Grace said Follow Me, not them. Grace said My grace is sufficient enough for you! Grace said It’s Time! Get up and go!
This is one of the things in my life I wish I would have learned sooner. I wish I would have understood Grace and more important God’s love for me. I wish I would have learned about His heart sooner rather than in my 30’s. I am forever grateful for the season in the pit, as painful as it was, I was refined and chiseled as I tumbled about.
Friend, know God loves you so much and He is near. Be courageous and confident in His Love and live in this Gift of Grace. Take time to be still and know, asking and seeking His heart for you.
By grace, you are saved and held. By grace, you are brave. By grace, you are whole! Yo are fearfully and wonderfully made with a Divine purpose meant only for YOU!! You are YOU for this very reason! He has equipped you for such a time as this!! Rise up and Go in Grace!
"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV
If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!
Heart Hugs and Blessings,

You gotta love it when you feel BETTER in your 50's than your 30's & 40's! Mom life gets busy! We are typically the LAST ones to tackle our personal To Dos because the family list always comes first.
I lived pouring out myself (without filling back up) for so MANY years until the Lord sat me down to re-prioritize my TO Do list. If I continued to put myself last, I would continue to deplete myself into nothingness. My life felt borrowed...borrowed energy from caffeines and adrenaline, good ol sucking it up and pushing through every....single...day, because the clock never stoped ticking...using the last drop of energy and focus I had, until there was absolutley none left.
According to Women's Health, "Women are more likely than men to have an anxiety disorder, including post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Research suggests that women may feel the symptoms of stress more or get more of the symptoms of stress than men. This can raise their risk of depression and anxiety."
The world yells SELF CARE....God whispers Seek Me! While He was the reason I did everything, served Him in the church and honored Him with all my heart as I served my family and others, He was not my source of strength or the first one I sought to serve, although in a weird way, I thought I was. I was serving everyone else and He and I got what was left, if anything.
I had become really good at doing what was necessary, not needed. Yet what I needed was a deep, intimate relationship with Him FIRST, then healthier habits and some good boundaries....so that I could love others as He calls us to.
He was seeking my heart, and I had been giving Him my help.
Help He did not need from me.
While it's hard for us to be sat down, God knows what it takes to get our attention. During this time, I was able to renew my focus, accessing His strength vs borrowing it from the world.
I tried everything a la cart, but true healing and restoration involves body, mind and spirit. I get asked all the time, so here are some of the core things I did to heal myself over the years. Some have links for quick grabs:
- Nutrition: Flooding your body with good nutrition is vital! This juice is magical to heal your gut and adrenals. My energy replenishes easily and it tastes sooo good! My teens and I also add in a packet of electrolytes mixed with other good for you things like magnesium, lions mane, potassium things to our water!
- Exercise: A simple walk a day is great and getting extra movement every day! Put on your favorite playlist or listen to a podcast and GO!! If you get bored walking the same path, change it up your route, drive to a nearby park, grab a friend and chat! Or, if there's a mall near you, be a mall walker!
- I find that I do best when I have accountability. I just started attending a monthly jumpstart group that meets 11 days online every month. And, it's free besides the juice I already order every month, so yay! Feel free to check it out here and let me know if you want to join me in it too!
- Water! I found I wasn't drinking enough water thanks to this accountability jug, but if you want an every day water bottle without paying a ton, I love mine! We call it Fake Stanley! LOL I have several with one specific to my 40oz water with a straw and cup fit bottom so it goes perfect with me on the go in my Jeep. Then I have the 24oz smaller size so I can take it with me on walks and on my paddleboard! Plus, my teens have these too for school and they always keep the ice! That's HUGE for us living in Florida! Sooo important to drink half your body weight
- Stillness: This is great for body/mind/spirit. Get quiet with your space and just breathe! I always have a blanket in my Jeep for days I go to the beach or park. But taking time in your eery day to sit still and let your mind just breath. Take time to process stuffed thoughts. If you have time to do some creative elements or other hobby you enjoy, try that! The main thing here is Peace & Calm.
- Community: Sisterhood is important. Mentors are important too! As a shy introvert, I take a little bit longer to connect and share life with other but over the past several years, I have come to see and feel the difference it had made in my life and now I am praying for God to help me create one!
Mind & Spirit:
- Pray! Grab your favorite songs in Spotify and create a playlist for worship. Here's mine!
- Read The Word daily and as often as needed! I use the ESV Study Bible. Plus, the YouVersion app is free!!!
- Sisterhood! Let down the walls and make plans to connect! Distance yourself from drama and guard your heart shaped circle.
- Gratitude! Be thankful, rejoicing always!!
These are the basic things of a million lifestyle choices we can make! I hope they help you get moving forward in your own healing journey too!!! It feels so good to seek first all the GOOD things God has planned and prepared for YOU!! Life is soooo good! Don't let it borrow you! You are already sought & bought!!!
Glory to God in the Highest!!! Enjoy Sisters!!!!
Blessings, Michele
If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!
Heart Hugs and Blessings,
Whatever pain you have inside you today, take comfort knowing God is compassionate and sees you where you are. There may remain a thorn or two in your flesh as do many of us, but God...His grace will be amazing if we give into resting in it and not fighting against it. The pain may not fully go away, and that’s a hard one to figure out but who are we to question the sovereign God who has established not only our path, but the course of all time and everything in it.