Just in case you thought you were the ONLY ONE....YOU ARE NOT!!! I did a quick Google search and found this statistic across several sites...85% of us are struggling with love self esteem....WOW! No wonder filters are such a big deal these days. People are hiding. I know that tactic all too well. I spent most of my life hiding.
As a Believer, we should not be surprised when the enemy taunts us with these thoughts...
- Who do you think you are?
- You aren't equipped.
- You are ready or wise enough.
- You pray way too much and God is gonna get frustrated with you if you keep asking for His help.
- You are easily replaceable!
- They can do it way better than you.
- It's too much work, don't waste your time and energy, certainly not your prayer time over it.
- It won't make a difference anyway.
Sound familiar?!? I have heard them too.
These are the questions I couldn't answer in truth because the truths I believed were actually lies. Believing these lies is why I hid. I didn't want to be less than. I didn't want to fail or be rejected by God or others. So, under the bushel I slipped to hide my tiny Light afraid if I let it grow, I would be burned.
Friend, our Light is Shielded in Love. Where the Spirit of God is, we are free, empowered and cared for. We stand in the fiery furnace, not consumed by death, but surrounded by Life. He died and rose again for YOU! To give you His power within you to walk this side of Glory in His name, in Divine purpose and plan, with power, peace and faith.
Faith that says you are able cuz He is with you.
Faith that holds you in sinking sands.
Faith that leads you through the wilderness and over the crashing waves.
Faith that finds what is lost and gives sight to what was blind.
Faith that breaks generational curses and dissolves chains fear bound.
Will there still be pain and suffering? Yes. Will you still have to overcome lies with truths? Yes. The enemy will never stop his schemes to get you to step back. God called us out to GO therefore!
Once I learned the truths of God's design for His children, for me, to walk by faith and not by sight, as I experience trials, pruned, refined, renewing my mind as this temporary life rolls by. With every second, I call this to mind that I must choose to remain steadfast, strong, courageous, confident in the leading and provision of my Lord, unafraid to share and shine together with all my Sisters as a city on a hill on the shorelines of Grace!
- You are more than a conqueror.
- You are more than able.
- His grace is enough
- Nothing can separate you from His Love.
- There is a peace that surpasses ll understanding in Jesus.
- We can rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
- We make choices that quench the Spirit...let's stop doing that!
- You were created for HIs glory and His heart is for you.
- We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.
- A surrendered life is full of beauty and strength where joy grows.
Today, remember who you are, Daughter of The King. You are a Warrior. You are His temple to shine and serve as His hands and feet here in the dirt of earth until He calls you home. Look at your fingerprints...there's your path, unique to YOU! No one else can compare to your direction, gifts, talents or experience. Your wisdom is not in the books of the world, but in The Book of Life, The Word of God.
Put on then, His Love, His compassionate hearts and seek Him first for the next steps, every day, all the days of your life. Until we take our breath inside the Gates of Glory, let's draw near to His Consuming Fire and stay LIT UP in Jesus Name for His glory alone.
We live for HIM, Christ Alone, Name above all other Names, our Audience of One!
Seeing BIG COURAGEOUS Heart Hugs as you seek HIM ABOVE ALL ELSE,
If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
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This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!
Heart Hugs and Blessings,