“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.””
Revelation 21:4-5 ESV
Doesn’t that sound like a place you want to be? The most wonderful thing is this can be your heaven on earth too because wherever God is, His Peace is. This past year has been sooo stressful for the world as a whole. And if you are someone who struggles with insecurity, it's double! Insecurity tells us we can't change things and we aren't worth it anyway! Insecurity certainly feeds into depression if left unchecked. Believing we have no purpose or control or value is such a lie from the enemy of our soul!
Revelation 21:4-5 ESV
Doesn’t that sound like a place you want to be? The most wonderful thing is this can be your heaven on earth too because wherever God is, His Peace is. This past year has been sooo stressful for the world as a whole. And if you are someone who struggles with insecurity, it's double! Insecurity tells us we can't change things and we aren't worth it anyway! Insecurity certainly feeds into depression if left unchecked. Believing we have no purpose or control or value is such a lie from the enemy of our soul!
In a world that is so quick to make irrational decisions and end their life this verse is what they lean into in attempts to validate their decision. When you feel the world is closing in around you and there seems to be no hope, the enemy simply says "take the exit… It’s easier and peaceful on the other side."
Did you know according to a quick Google search as of today, an average of 132 people commit suicide per day. How devastating even if the number is twice as wrong. People need Jesus.
Of course he sends these temptations this way because in that moment, he will is giving you the easy way out especially knowing it has potential to work and take you out of God's divine plan for you! Because the Holy Spirit dwells with us, we have immediate access to peace on earth. While the painful trial we are going through feels like it is suffocating us, God reminds us that we are more than conquerors, He has a plan and purpose for your life, and in His wisdom instructs us to rejoice always, giving thinks in every circumstance. WHY? Because He knows our flesh is weak and in Him we can find strength to overcome.
God reminds us He is the Great I Am and Farmer of our Soul, pruning back dead weight and growing our harvest He reminds us of the developing of our character, in our soul, and our mind. He reminds us we are not alone in the fight for we fight not flesh and blood but spirit. Yet nothing can separate us from His love or plan, unless we allow it. We will surrender to life or death...what will you choose.
So, you're probably asking HOW do we access calm in the midst of pain and suffering?!?
This is the central reason the encouragement of this ministry was birthed…We must learn to live Where‘ Faith is, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
!!And to address the more serious crisis moments, professional counseling is always recommended! Sometimes we need the help of medical advisors and spiritual advisors alike! Reach out to someone in your local community to help you in your crisis.!!
When we do not understand, we choose faith He is with us.
When we have no strength for the new day, we choose His renewing mercies.
Friend, today I challenge you to renew your faith with all the GRACE and COURAGE Our Great God Almighty offers. It means whatever heart ache, bad news, temptation you face today or any of your tomorrows, will you surrender to Life and the Truth of who you are in Christ, recalling the Divine breathe He has give you for today. Remind your fears and frets Who Your Daddy is!! It's going to be a battle, but YOU are worth it! The world needs your piece to the puzzle and you can find that missing piece in The Prince of Peace: Jesus.
Your rainbow might still be amongst the storms, fear not! He is with you even there.
Practical Tips:
- Adjust Your Environment to reflect Grace and Faith. Examples may be changing your eating habits to whole foods and re-hydrating your body, changing your music to Christ Honoring playlists or stations, Maybe you need to free up some time on your schedule to be still and find healing helps.
- Move around. When we feel blah, we tend to shrink physically. Step outside barefoot for at least 30 minutes. Go for a walk, bike ride, run. Dance in your living room, go dance in the rain barefoot. Work out, Exercise your brain too- hobby, paint, doodle, write, puzzles, create something. How about go do something fun with the friend or kids...sometimes we need to jump up and do something good for our soul!
- Serve. Receive the blessing of blessing someone else in your family or community. Write letters or emails to say Hi. Have you ever Paid It Forward before? This is fun! Pay for someone's coffee or meal in line with you. Go out to eat and leave a bigger than usual tip. Clean up a neighborhood park. Make cookies for your local shelter or first responders. Even better, invite some friends to do it with you and multiple the blessings! Who knows, maybe they are having a bad day too and would love to get out of their own head too!
- Worship and Give Thanks. I believe this is why God say to Count Your Blessings and to hide His Word in our heart. Because our souls will need soothing balms in times of need. My fear and worry always dissolves inside my worship.
Peace is Here.
Peace is Jesus.
You are loved, seen and heard!!!
If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!
Heart Hugs and Blessings,