How To Emotionally Prepare Your Heart When Your Kids Leaves for College

Was it enough....a question every Mom asks herself when her now grown child leaves the house for college...Was it enough?!? Did I say all the right things? Do they know how to do all the things? Are they strong enough to manage the world at large on their own, did I prepare them enough? Did I love them enough? Do they believe in themself? Do they know how much they are loved by me, God, others? Was all I said lined up with all I did? Was I enough?

I'll never forget when child #1 left for college. I panicked! I hadn't even taught him how to sew a button or iron a shirt! What was I thinking!?! So, out came the sewing kit and iron, along with all the other random things you just don't really thing about amongst Mom Life. Simple and silly things too many to number. For each following child, the intentionality grew in passing along life skills and fun hacks! 

I sat there on the driveway pondering my Mom List of Factoids I should have shared, the Lord showed up next to me and said, "Grace Mama, I am Enough. I Got Them." He does. My heart skipped a beat in relief and rest, easing the pain of regret and insecurity that had swelled inside me.

I may not have taught them how to make homemade bread or start a garden, I did show them the magic tricks of folding a fitted sheet and ironing around the shoulders of a dress shirt. They also know how to use their oils to heal ailments and they know how to use a glue gun and a drill! 3 out of 4 are a good shot too, just sayin'.

But more importantly, they learned Love and Grace. There is no perfect Mom and I was reminded of that on the daily as hard as I strived to be. They learned Jesus in our home. They learned serving others. They learned the importance of trust, honor and respect. They learned forgiveness, compassion and empathy. They dreamed, stretched and learned to navigate relationships as a family of 6. 

Mom Life is a Ministry Calling. The most important gift we can give our children is spiritual legacy, to train them up in the Name of Jesus, making Him known and allowing God to be God in their life. Our Home is a mission field and it's hard work, but good work. There will be trials and rejection, push back and heartache in a house full of sinners! 

But God!  

Sending out a Heart Hug for your next driveway moment as you sit with such a tender, wondering heart. Deep breaths knowing He is near and He's Got You! He is enough because He is Everything we could ever need as a Mom, and He is the same loving Father to your children too!!

Hugs & Massive Love!

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Holiday Travel Oils and Must Haves to Support Your Body and Your Mind

If the last few years haven't taught us much, two things are for sure: We sure do need to Love Like Jesus and We Must Have our Must Haves.

I don't know about where you live but I live in the Florida Keys. I had lived in Houston, Texas until these past 8 years close to any shopping mall, grocery store (shout out to THE BEST HEB), restaurant, gas station or clinic I could ever need. Here, we live by weather and AmazonIt's true.

When the world shut down, clinics closed, pharmacies lay empty shelves, and resources dwindled, I was forever grateful for my things to keep our family healthy most of all. In times of crisis, it's the toilet paper, water and medicines that seem to evaporate. I see this during hurricane season too.

I am a Mom, and maybe the need to be prepared with the Diaper Bag is just forever my vibe. I miss those days of having a valid excuse to have the Mary Poppins Bag of

Why Moms Need Other Moms, God and Coffee to Raise their Children

Bless You Mommas whose hearts are weary. Let the grace of God wash over you and fill up your soul. His mercies are new every day and it's never too late to seek forgiveness, restoration and peace. He is near. Draw close to His heart. Feel His breath over you, He is near.

I pray this brings some peace and high 5's to my Momma friends this week as the world celebrates Moms. We are sooooo valuable as the called vessels from God to the Mission Field of Motherhood. Bind the enemy from diminishing your impact and stirring up doubt or exasperation as you work in the Fields of Grace. Keep your eyes up, sing, dance, worship, play and pray!! You've Got This!!! 

Why Motherhood Is So Easy, It's Hard

Nothing prepares you for the simplicity and hardness of Motherhood. Being a Mom is the most rewarding and adventurous career out there. Mom Life is a hard life but the most rewarding one. You are so many things to so many other people which is what makes it exhaustingly filling. To serve on the mission field as a Mom on Mission to raise up her child to love God and love others is an honor and a challenge, only possible through the ability to give and receive Love, to trust and surrender, to sacrifice and stretch beyond what is seen. Faith Life is Mom Life.

Learning to Be Calm and Courageous When My Heart is Overwhelmed with Fear, Insecurity, and Anxiety

My ministry is not mothering, or panic attacks, or overcoming, or perfectionism. My Ministry is not just for women. My heart’s ministry is turning people’s hearts courageously to the heart of God in peaceful grace and trust wherever they are on the shorelines..

My ministry is being authentic, a sound voice, a listening heart, problem solving in moments of confusion. Honestly, it's not always easy for me either. I think this is why most people don't talk about it, especially in the church world. We all have thorns in our flesh, we are human. With every thorn, the enemy presses in, in return, I have learned to push my praise out. 
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