Let’s talk about preparation before the storm why it is so important that we prepare ourselves before the storm comes.
Obviously I am not a Weather Girl, so you are right…I am not talking about nature. Let’s talk about the storms that roll through, inside of us. How do you manage and prepare for storms you cannot seeing coming or predict are on their way?
I chatted about this over on the YouTubes, you can check it out here.
We already know that trials and tribulations are coming. Being a Christ Follower doesn’t make you immune to storms. It rains on the just and unjust alike. We may not know when they are coming, but we can be sure they will.
The key to managing storms, both physically and emotionally, is the preparation. Preparation before the storm is storming! What that looks like is applying Matthew 6:33, Seeking first the Kingdom. Making sure you are nearest to Him and anchored in to Him.
Living on the Gulf Coast, being prepared for storms is just a way of life. There are squals that pop up and storms predicted a week out from making landfall. The most stressful times were the days we weren’t prepared…scrambling to find chargers, grab water and food from the depleting shelves at the local grocery store, getting gas in the vehicles, anchoring down all the yard things in the front and back yard.
We learned the hard way, how much less stressful it was for everyone’s peace to be watchful for the storms yet always being prepared to the best we were able. We purchased solar powered items, bought insulated coolers and jugs, made sure we always had protein powder and protein bars available, etc.
So in the same principles, we can prepare for the storms within. Being intentional, mindful, calm, alert (because you know John 10:10). Does it mean they don’t create havoc or scare us? No. But because we have set our heart and mind on Him ahead of the storm, we are able to courageously and peacefully manage our storm.
I made a little video with more practical tips and heart (in)couragmenets, check it out here!
You are more than a conqueror friend and He is always with you, even in the storm. He loved Peter, and He loved you! You are safe outside the boat. Keep your eyes on Him!
Big Heart Hugs,
Your Big Sis Michele
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Heart Hugs and Blessings,