I love the different ways God speaks to us. I wanted to share encouragement with you as you look to a new year and evaluate boundaries and evaluate how you spend your time, and with who! This morning God gave a Message inside of a message. My friend did a Facebook Live sharing a bit of her testimony while there was literal construction happening in the background. She calmly sat on her couch sipping the hot cup of coffee, puppies snuggled up next to her, daughter nearby and sharing a little testimony time.
The banging of hammers was pretty obvious in the beginning of the video and slowly muted out, then returned full sound at the end. (If He can hold back the seas, He certainly can hold back some hammers, right?!?!)
I am the type of person who really connects better when I am Live, whether online or in person. I am an empath for sure, but also deeply heart rooted, so in the moment learning, giving receiving, being and doing are much more rich for me in all the different ways. She's special to me and I really enjoy her Lives so I have a Weekday Coffee with Martha alarm, amongst all the other thousand alarms on my cell to keep me focused throughout the day.
So, this morning, I was Live for the video and loved it, of course! Always do. She's an amazing connector, even through video! It's an anointing for sure, plus, she has put in the time over the years to be really great too! When the video ended, I did some house things, then God redirected me back for the replay. I don't usually rewatch unless I somehow missed a portion of it. So this was different. I was a little distracted doing Mom things for my guy as he was heading out the door for school, but I heard everything she said.
I sat down with my re-heated coffee and listened in. I begin to get the feeling I had missed something. I could feel God leading me to a deep "paying attention."
I leaned in and realized it wasn’t to hear her, it was to hear Him…
God had a Message for me within her message. Here's what He impressed upon me as the video wrapped up…
Look at the scene...see how she’s right there on the couch, sipping coffee & sharing encouragement and her testimony while all the construction work is happening behind her, around her?!?
That is what it’s like with Me too. I’m The One doing the work in the background.
Friend, its not US doing the restoration work…we are not chisling and repairing broken pieces…
It is not US tearing down or rebuilding walls, or restoring rooms…
HE is doing the work!!
And guess what....We can STILL DO THE THINGS in the “construction zone.”
The enemy would like us to think otherwise. That's how he keeps us "shut down."
We are ALWAYS “under construction”… being sanctified (made new) by grace, being stirred up, cleansed, restored.
God’s part is the construction.
Our part is the seeking & surrender.
“And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
Philippians 1:6 ESV
She shares in the video (click here to watch) the importance of having people in your circle who you ALLOW to speak life over you. I love love love doing this for others. It's not about flattering someone or trying to boost their ego or make them feel better on a down day. It's to be used by God in stirring one another up, for the purpose of His glory and our good. For me, I love sharing God's hearts with others that they may know they are loved, seen & heard by God, that He is near, therefore take courage and keep the faith!!!
Encouragers need Encouragers too. I am sooooo thankful she is one of mine! I am grateful for friends like Martha who lead by example and don't just talk the talk! This is what Titus 2 looks like....we keep showing up as we are, with the message God gives us, and we share it with others knowing HE brings HIS Words, through us, to the hearts of the others.
We ALL have the choice to show up while “under construction.” Seek HIM first, trust HIS working and ALLOW yourself to surrender to His building work around you and His refining work through you. He's Got You!!!
All the Love under construction,
If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!
Heart Hugs and Blessings,