
Hey Mama! Feeling STRESSED but BLESSED....BLESSED but STRESSED?!? I get it!! I have been a Stay at Home Mom to 4 awesome kiddos since 1997. Life has been super good, super hard, super tiring and super wonderful....ALL at the same time! 

I see this all the time online...Moms who feel like they are losing themselves in the midst of Motherhood. Ohhhh, I get that! It would have been an entire BOOK (or 2) if I would have typed words of hope and encouragements for you, so I decided to go ahead and create a video on this one. 

**Not Sure what the mic did inside the recording, but no way am I tossing the video because of it. You'll just need to turn the volume up, sorry! No perfectionism over here anymore! 


We re not going to do life as a Check List Christian...meaning checking off boxes out of duty, vs relationships. We can easily get so structured or busy doing ll the things, especially the things we think we are being expected to do by others, 

We can choose to move about our days in Grace!

Another tip is getting the family involved WITH you as you walk out each day is a precious gift not only to you, but also for them. We train them up with our words, but even more so with our actions and our love on display. Be prepared. Have a plan. Have grace.

Heart Hugs Mama! I would love to have you join me over in my little community online. I am focused on encouraging you and offering practical resources to support and bless you as both an Introvert Woman and a Mama!! 

You are able to regain control back of your day!! You've got this becuase God's got you, and so do I! Let's continue the conversation in this Part 2.

All the love, Introvert Mama to Mama!! 
Your Sister, Michele

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,


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