Heart Shaped Valentines

What does Valentine's Day mean for you? Remember those younger preschool and elementary days when your Mom took you to the store to pick out the Box of Valentine's for every kid in your class whether you liked them or not?!? There was no avoiding not sharing kindness to the kids who were mean to you even in the slightest way. There is such a lesson to be learned right there and I could run down a rabbit hole with that one, but I will leave it there for right now. 

Statistics say Christmas and Valentines are the highest recordings of suicide and depression. People feel unloved, unseen, dismissed, forgotten, used and lonely. Thanks to the commercialism of the holiday, men and women alike find themselves feeling left out in the absence of being romantically noticed. 

Truth be told, relationship status has little to do with feeling loved, treasured, adored and precious. 

Couples, whether married, engaged or courting, may not have a partner who is good at showing love. For some couples, they may have found themselves in a season of angst, miscommunication, betrayal, selfishness, grief, off balance or abuse, 

Life and Love is intentional effort and hard work, with a whole lot of Jesus...okay, and small amounts of coffee and chocolate help too! Did I mention praying, grace and patience yet?!? lol

Back to the holiday....

Somewhere along the timeline of adolescence into adulthood, This Love Day evolved from a community love to a more sensually-focused couple-relationship in the receiving of affections physically through tangible gifts or human touch. As young children begin to surge with socialtial pressures,  and hormones mind you, school-aged pressures to couple-up build with every age. I get it...you're not coupled up right now, or maybe you are coupled up and not receiving love from your partner, but you want to be loved, seen and made to feel precious and beautiful like all the other Valentines walking around with flowers and balloons, sitting at Tables for 2..

You might find yourself wishing you could stop thinking about "finding love," "being loved," or "feeling adored and beautiful."  

What if I said you don't have to!?

Friend, it is okay to want to be loved, to feel loved and to feel adored. The truth is YOU were created to be and YOU ARE!

Our human souls were created for belonging. Our complex yet fragile hearts are wired to desire Love, being the Love of Christ and Love with others.The temptation is to measure one's value on the quantity of received attention from other human hearts. 

The commercial retail industry's banks on the addiction to love as they flood the market with all things in the name of Love. 

So much so, the Love of Christ may not come to mind for most, yet here in His Sweet Love, we find the measure of our worth and value.

 In this season, may I remind you of the greatest commandment, Love God and Love others! Should we celebrate loving others? YES! Should we also celebrate the Love of God? YES! 

Sister Friend, Happy Month of Love! Grab your friends and get together this month in the name of Love, Jesus! Remind each other how beautiful and precious His Daughters are.

Whether happily coupled up, or dreaming of the day you will be, may you find intimacy in the Love of the Father for Your His child. There is no greater love to celebrate, cherish, trust, hope for that compares to His sweet heart for you!

With Love,

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Living in Grace in All The Things

After failing at my attempts to be the perfect Proverbs 31 Woman, God stepped in and put a stop to all the nonsense. 
I had to learn:
🌸 you can’t be all things to all people
🌸 you have to prioritize all the to-dos and don’t set unachievable expectations on yourself 
🌸 it’s better to function in community rather than control
🌸 no one is perfectly handling life
🌸 to find moments of grace breaths throughout the day
🌸 to stop overthinking
🌸 that the world is not watching every step for me to fail
🌸 my family and dearest friends love me right where I am and God Loves me more!

Grace upon Grace. We are hardest on ourselves and believe we have the ability to be all things. Recognize and Release that pressure before the pressure crushes you. And yes, there will be people in your life who demand more of you than you feel able, or desire to give, even there in those moments, your inner dialogue with God and self are important to keep in peace. Your strength and energy are found within the spirit living inside you. No one can choose that for you. This is where YOU shine, for the Glory of God! Not perfection. Not others.

When you feel empty, remember Who fills you. It's easy to fill ourselves with temporary satisfaction, and meaningless tasks and distractions. This is where the enemy depletes you one decision at a time. 

Whatever you’re facing, remember Who is for you. Remember this Audience of One. He’s the most important person you can serve and spend time with each day. Your identity, purpose, strength, peace, restoration and joy are found in HIM! 

In every hour, we need Him, every valley and mountaintop, every edge and every pit....Seek Him first and always. Friend, you are loved, seen and heard. Stay strong, keep peace, walk by faith.
Hugs & Blessings, 

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

God is WITH YOU in Your Anxiety, Fear and Obstacles

You are not alone and undefeated! The Lord is near and He has already been fighting on your behalf. 
Fear, chaos, anxiety, insecurity, depression are not from God! Take a deep breath and pray as you recall to mind Whose you are! You are enough!! His Heart is for you!!!

Overcoming Stress and Anxiety with Worship

You want to be happy but you can’t fake the pain. I get it.
This is for the person who needs someone to look them in the eyes and say …..

“It’s going to be okay. 
You are stronger than you think and feel. 
You’re not a lost cause. 
You are not a quitter, unless you quit. 
I know it hurts to breath. 
I know you can’t get control of your racing thoughts, but greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. He will help you be still and give you that very breath."
The things you focus on will drain you or empower you so watch what you are doing in those dark moments. 
Breath, don’t bash. 
Calm, not chaos.
Meditate on Scripture, not secular theories. 
Stop asking why and worship. 
Worship the pain into praise. 
When you can’t sleep, worship. 
When you walk into chaos of circumstance, worship. 
When you feel like you’re drowning, worship. 
You’ve got this because He has you! Hold onto Him! Don’t give up!! Never forget you have an enemy looking for ways to shrink and sabotage you BUT GREATER is HE who is IN you than he who is in the world! 

Read the Psalms. 
Read Philippians 4. 
Read Romans 8. 
Read Genesis 1.
Pray and praise! I know it’s hard, but though we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. 
You are okay and you will have what you need for every next moment. Know that you’re never alone!! He sees you!! He loves you!!”

Be still and know what you know.

I shared a 9 min encouragement today on You Tube if you want an extra hug of love. Check it out HERE.

Blessings and Hugs,

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Confidence and Courage to Say No in a World of Yes

Do you ever find yourself wanting to say No but feel you simply can't?!? I get you! 

As someone with a heart for people and gifts in hospitality....and deeply rooted in the old ways Insecurity taught me...saying No was HARD! It felt rude and selfish and yet all the years later, I have come to realize saying No is a humble thing to say.

Culture has a constant demand on our minds, buy this, apply that, go here, join them, automate here... Hobby Lobby and ChickFilA got it right! They follow what God suggested: say No one day a week!

Sometimes we don't realize we are doing but so often we do know it but we don't know how to say NO! Let's practice saying it...."No. No Thank You. I appreciate you thinking of me/asking me, but I have to say No." 

There it is!

We don't say No just to be lazy or get out of things, and if you're like me, you're not trying to! It's quite the  opposite...we want so badly to say YES!!!! When we become everyone's yes, it means we are saying No to something else by nature. What is being avoided or ignored if we don't guard it's yes to it?!? Sometimes it's just our sanity, lol. Other times, we are depleting ourselves to the point of never being able to serve in our mission or calling because we are so busy serving every one else's. I think sometimes people say Yes without even considering it wasn't theirs to say yes to and are stepping into a place meant for someone else.

When our morning prayer is " God lead me today into the Yeses YOU have already prepared for me and give the wisdom and courage to stay focused" we are more easily able to find the right answer at every ask. 

So whether you need to be saying Yes or No, may you seek first what His answer is and follow along His lead! (God doesn't always say Yes to everything we ask either - can we get an AMEN to that!)

Lord, Thank You for giving us Your Holy Spirit to lead and gird us up for our day. In a world of so many opportunities and temptations alike, we surrender our Yes to YOU ALONE so that we can say Yes or No to the world. Give us Your eyes to see the path laid out for us! Amen

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,
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