Holiday Travel Oils and Must Haves to Support Your Body and Your Mind

If the last few years haven't taught us much, two things are for sure: We sure do need to Love Like Jesus and We Must Have our Must Haves.

I don't know about where you live but I live in the Florida Keys. I had lived in Houston, Texas until these past 8 years close to any shopping mall, grocery store (shout out to THE BEST HEB), restaurant, gas station or clinic I could ever need. Here, we live by weather and AmazonIt's true.

When the world shut down, clinics closed, pharmacies lay empty shelves, and resources dwindled, I was forever grateful for my things to keep our family healthy most of all. In times of crisis, it's the toilet paper, water and medicines that seem to evaporate. I see this during hurricane season too.

I am a Mom, and maybe the need to be prepared with the Diaper Bag is just forever my vibe. I miss those days of having a valid excuse to have the Mary Poppins Bag of

3 Basic Ways to Help Manage Stress for Yourself or Your Student

Not every person handles stress the same so be brave and have compassion enough to ASK!!! Don't assume they can handle it alone and don't need you. if it's YOU, ASK for some Love to diffuse your stress ball! 

It's really really hard to ask for support or a simple hug in the name of All Togetherness when you are the Peace Maker in the Home but I am challenging you this time to seek it out and let God bless you with Love through the hands and feet He has placed around you for such a time as this. Don't stuff your feelings. 

Pray, Praise and Pause!!! Receive the LOVE for the health of your soul. Tis the season to REJOICE! You've Got This!!! 

Why Moms Need Other Moms, God and Coffee to Raise their Children

Bless You Mommas whose hearts are weary. Let the grace of God wash over you and fill up your soul. His mercies are new every day and it's never too late to seek forgiveness, restoration and peace. He is near. Draw close to His heart. Feel His breath over you, He is near.

I pray this brings some peace and high 5's to my Momma friends this week as the world celebrates Moms. We are sooooo valuable as the called vessels from God to the Mission Field of Motherhood. Bind the enemy from diminishing your impact and stirring up doubt or exasperation as you work in the Fields of Grace. Keep your eyes up, sing, dance, worship, play and pray!! You've Got This!!! 

Why Motherhood Is So Easy, It's Hard

Nothing prepares you for the simplicity and hardness of Motherhood. Being a Mom is the most rewarding and adventurous career out there. Mom Life is a hard life but the most rewarding one. You are so many things to so many other people which is what makes it exhaustingly filling. To serve on the mission field as a Mom on Mission to raise up her child to love God and love others is an honor and a challenge, only possible through the ability to give and receive Love, to trust and surrender, to sacrifice and stretch beyond what is seen. Faith Life is Mom Life.

4 Simple Tips for Shy Introverts: How To Attend Events Without Feeling Overwhelm or Anxiety

Growing up, my physical appearance crippled me. I thought my legs were wonky, my nose was too big for my face, and my ears were too similar to Dumbo's. Everyone else was beautiful and I felt ugly. There was a point in my life I had braces and severe cystic acne. My skincare routine was as long as applying make up beginning in 5th Grade 

I wish my healing journey of acceptance wasn't as long as it was but this is why I am hopefully inspire others to work out these insecurities and fears now because the life God has created is abundant and beautiful. 
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