Welcome to The Marthaverse, the Land of Goodness
For years, I searched the world wide webs for help. It looked like "How to Make Money from Home without Selling." "How to Start a Ministry," "How to Blog,," "How to build income in YL," etc.
I read soooo many blogs, articles and watched tons and tons of free You Tubes and Webinars from everyone about everything. I am now well educated in the Free-For-You World. Yet, wasn't getting any forward movement because nothing felt good to me or connected all the dots. I really hated feeling like I was selling people I only wanted to minister to.....
When the need to generate income became a thing for us, I found myself having to amp myself up just to put myself online knowing I was selling a thing in order to generate income. Of course, it was make up, travel, coffee, oils that I liked, but it wan't me in the ministry space I longed to be. I did my best to offer encouragements in the time, but it just wasn't fitting together like I wished it would. I didn't want to be the Product Promo Girl.
All I want to do is Promo The Heart of JESUS!!!!
Then, I found Martha. She is a heart-centered Business Strategist, a Christian woman who loves serving people with heart before dollars! This aligns perfectly with my heart! You're gonna LOVE her too!!
I have learned how to share my heart, and more importantly, God's heart, in a way that feels soooooo good, while generating the income necessary to sustain the ministry and support my family, without having to feel like I am trying to sell things. I will share, but I am not about selling things! I get to lead with my heart first, while offering supporting resources. FINALLY!!!! Like Paul with his tents and a Proverbs 31 Woman who reverently fears the Lord as she serves her family and others, I am able to worship as I create and serve, not sell!
Eventhough I love the products and services I either create or am an affiliate for, I don't want to have to do a hard sell! I am a Giver by Nature, so receiving is something I am working on, so asking for money, even if it is warranted like an exchange for a purchase of something I created or share, is hard for me.
If I was a trazillionaire, I would give away everything for free!!
Giving is my heart language.
It's not often you follow someone online and have the chance to also meet them at an event, But when you do, and they are the same offline as they are online, WOW what a familiar joy! I have had the absolute honor and joy to meet Martha in person and WOW, she is just as vibrant and authentic in serving people online as in person! I prayed for a Mentor to help me and God sent her to me!
When people ask me how did I learn to do all the things, the biggest catalyst, the All in One place, has been through the Marthaverse. Martha is an intuitive Business Strategist who can help you get started and set up quickly with your business, even if it's a ministry, just like me! I did all the free things online for years and years....until I invested in me January 2021 with Martha's HBR course.
I am absolutely sharing my referral links because I know you will find the help you need and I am NOT the one to teach it! If you have any questions, message my Encouragement Page on Facebook or send me an email : livingwherefaithis@yahoo.com
If you are ready to Get Started Learning How to Get Your Ministry or Small Business Set Up, doing ALL the Things, grab this! If you have any questions, shoot me a message!! Happy to help!
Excited to see what beautiful gifts come from you too!!!! Let's Do This!!!
If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!
Heart Hugs and Blessings,