Happy Mother’s Day Moms♥️
For all the toys you’ve put back together...
For the babies you weren’t able to hold this side of glory...
For all the times you were spit, peed, pooped and thrown up on...
For all the times you played a game of Twister in your car to reach the fallen paci or pick up a toy…
For all the outfits you said Nope walking out your door to...
For every pound gained and lost and doubled gained back...
For all the times you kept your cool and kept the peace ...
For every time you functioned in 30min blocks of time with a smile on your face...
For every sock you matched, every belt or bow you found...
For every time you made a meal that was spit out or rejected...
For every night and day you woke up every hour to check the fever or their breath...
For every bloody boo-boo you made better with your kiss...
For all the interrupted or cancelled date nights or coffees with friends…
For every conversation you felt the Mama Bear anger or sadness but remained calm and found a lesson to teach...
For every good night kiss and every morning hug...
For every tooth breaking through...
For all the words you wish you wouldn’t have said, and all the ones you wished you would have...
For all the smells you’ll never forget...
For all the days you didn’t wash your hair or change your underwear...
For all the long hairs needing to be shaved and nails that needed care…
For all the Dr visits you cringed when they asked How many servings of vegetables...
For all the marvelous creative conversations and crafts, plane and car rides, activities that were one and done...
For all the times you wondered if you made all the right decisions….
The moment you realized you carry generational currency in your womb…
To the Mama of littles and bigs, once a Mom, always a Mom.
Happy Mother’s Day🌺
You are amazing.
May your strength, peace, joy, endurance, purpose, hope always be found in The Love of God that will energize your soul, lead your heart, guard your words and ignite your Light.
He is the perfector of our faith!!
He is our Daily Bread and Living Water.
He will sustain you!
He has caught every tear the same way you’ve caught them….
You have all you need to care for the ones He brings into your life.
Never forget He is with you always, is for you and will never leave you or forsake you. His heart is for you!♥️
For the next day mercies and joys, trials and conversations that flow into every next generation....amen.🌺
Let’s go and do it again tomorrow.
You are grace & strength!!! A world changer!!!
From this Mama,
If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!
Heart Hugs and Blessings,