How To Stop Being a People Pleaser and Live Where Faith Is As You Are

Share your testimony and use words if necessary. ♥️
I’m the first one to say I AM NOT PERFECT!!! I admit I tried hard for it for many years, never achieving it cuz NO ONE CAN be but Jesus. It wore me out trying to be everything to everyone. 

Another struggle for me was taking off the mask, another blog for another time. When you are someone who struggles with insecurity, your greatest fear is rejection. The greatest rejection being rejection of self as you share yourself out into the world. So we wear the mask and build walls.

🌸Freedom came when I realized I couldn’t be perfect and those whom I was measuring myself up to didn’t expect me to measure up to them- it was my insecurity seeing myself as less than they.

🌸Freedom came when I stopped expecting perfection from myself.

🌸Freedom came when I surrendered my worry, fear, insecurity in who I saw myself as and began to learn who I was created to be and chose to live a life of Grace and Acceptance in the name and identity of Christ my Savior.

🌸Freedom came when I let go of all I was trying to control and let God carry those burdens, hopes and prayers knowing He holds everything together and has a plan beyond what I could imagine.

🌸Freedom comes when we let God be God! He doesn’t need our plans or suggestions. As a Mama, I also had to let Him be the Holy Spirit in my home. I released myself from thinking that was somehow my part as a Mom. I learned to surrender control and wow, that weight was heavy, and not mine to carry. Mamas, pray for you Husbands and Kiddos and move out of the way at the Amen.

♥️He knows those decade long prayers. 
♥️He sees the hurt that just stabbed your soul. 
♥️Every tear is caught by Him. 
♥️Sometimes He moves the mountain and sometimes He moves you. 

Whatever you are facing, be FREE!!! Got on the trust bus….In Jesus, He will equip you to accomplish the things He has called you to. He’s not gonna mold you or shape you into someone else’s likeness.The peace you are looking for deep in your soul are found in Jesus, just as you are, where you are.

‼️He created YOU to be YOU, in the likeness of HIM!!‼️

Live FREE and sharpen others to do the same!! 
Let’s stir one another up!! 
1 Thess 5:11🌸♥️

God Loves You! God Sees You! God Hears You!

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Why Moms Need Other Moms, God and Coffee to Raise their Children

Bless You Mommas whose hearts are weary. Let the grace of God wash over you and fill up your soul. His mercies are new every day and it's never too late to seek forgiveness, restoration and peace. He is near. Draw close to His heart. Feel His breath over you, He is near.

I pray this brings some peace and high 5's to my Momma friends this week as the world celebrates Moms. We are sooooo valuable as the called vessels from God to the Mission Field of Motherhood. Bind the enemy from diminishing your impact and stirring up doubt or exasperation as you work in the Fields of Grace. Keep your eyes up, sing, dance, worship, play and pray!! You've Got This!!! 

Mothers Day Encouragement for the Weary Mom

It's Mother's Day Month. I imagine the collective sigh, the deep breath, the joy, the exhaustion. Mom Life is beautifully hard.


Can Insecurity Cause Depression?

Because the Holy Spirit dwells with us, we have immediate access to peace on earth. While the painful trial we are going through feels like it is suffocating us, God reminds us that we are more than conquerors, He has a plan and purpose for your life, and in His wisdom instructs us to rejoice always, giving thinks in every circumstance. WHY? Because He knows our flesh is weak and in Him we can find strength to overcome.

Overwhelmed Moms Finding Grace

It wasn't easy to learn to rest when life was so full of needs and expectations. Learning to carve out a space of Grace, a time of stillness and worship in the day, was hard in the beginning. The enemy would whisper, "You are so lazy." "You should keep going," "You don't have time to just sit there praying."
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