Burnout, Exhaustion, and Finding Rest: Lessons from Moses for Today's Christian Women

Feeling overwhelmed and on the brink of burnout is a common experience among Christian women juggling multiple responsibilities. With a staggering rise in burnout rates, notably among pastors, it's evident that this issue extends throughout the community, impacting personal well-being and spiritual health. Embracing rest, as modeled by The Creator on the seventh day, is crucial for balancing life, work, and faith.

The constant busyness many women experience can be spiritually, emotionally, and physically draining, compounded by the belief that rest is unspiritual or selfish. Yet, recognizing rest as a divine gift can transform our approach to life’s demands. By looking at Moses, we learn about the power of delegation, trusting in divine provision, facing challenges with faith, and nurturing relationships—all essential strategies to counter burnout.

Christian women can apply these lessons by embracing God-given rest, sharing responsibilities, nurturing their spiritual life, and building supportive relationships. Rest is not laziness; it’s essential for maintaining peace, wellness, and wholeness. As we learn to navigate life with balance and grace, let’s follow these biblical principles and enjoy the fullness of life as intended.

Three Bizarre Christian Friendship Stories: Adult Friendships You Didn't Know You Needed

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, this blog post reflects on the profound lessons learned from three unique friendships, each illustrating different facets of love and connection. The first story recounts a friendship with a pastor's wife that blossomed unexpectedly, teaching the value of mutual support and growth in leadership and faith. This relationship, divinely orchestrated, became a cornerstone for both individuals during a crucial time of personal development and ministry.

The second narrative explores an unexpected bond formed during a sabbatical in Florida, where the author, initially resistant to new connections, found a friend whose outgoing nature and hospitality were exactly what was needed for spiritual growth. This friendship, though unplanned, played a vital role in deepening the author's relationship with the Lord, showcasing how God uses others to support us in our spiritual journeys. The beauty of this connection lay in its unexpectedness and the profound impact it had on both individuals.

Finally, the third story describes a surprising friendship formed at a women's conference, where the author and a stranger were assigned as roommates. Both women were dealing with personal struggles, particularly the roommate who was grieving a recent miscarriage. Their shared experiences of loss and understanding created a deep, comforting bond, demonstrating how God can bring people together in the most unexpected ways to provide solace and companionship. These stories collectively highlight the mysterious and wonderful ways in which friendships can manifest and nurture our souls.

Coffee with Friends in the Construction Zone and Why it Matters


I love the different ways God speaks to us. I wanted to share encouragement with you as you look to a new year and evaluate boundaries and evaluate how you spend your time, and with who! This morning God gave a Message inside of a message. My friend did a Facebook Live sharing a bit of her testimony while there was literal construction happening in the background. She calmly sat on her couch sipping the hot cup of coffee, puppies snuggled up next to her, daughter nearby and sharing a little testimony time.

The banging of hammers was pretty obvious in the beginning of the video and slowly muted out, then returned full sound at the end. (If He can hold back the seas, He certainly can hold back some hammers, right?!?!)

I am the type of person who really connects better when I am Live, whether online or in person. I am an empath for sure, but also deeply heart rooted, so in the moment learning, giving receiving, being and doing are much more rich for me in all the different ways. She's special to me and I really enjoy her Lives so I have a Weekday Coffee with Martha alarm, amongst all the other thousand alarms on my cell to keep me focused throughout the day.

So, this morning, I was Live for the video and loved it, of course! Always do. She's an amazing connector, even through video! It's an anointing for sure, plus, she has put in the time over the years to be really great too! When the video ended, I did some house things, then God redirected me back for the replay. I don't usually rewatch unless I somehow missed a portion of it. So this was different. I was a little distracted doing Mom things for my guy as he was heading out the door for school, but I heard everything she said. 

I sat down with my re-heated coffee and listened in. I begin to get the feeling I had missed something. I could feel God leading me to a deep "paying attention."

I leaned in and realized it wasn’t to hear her, it was to hear Him…

God had a Message for me within her message. Here's what He impressed upon me as the video wrapped up…

Look at the scene...see how she’s right there on the couch, sipping coffee & sharing encouragement and her testimony while all the construction work is happening behind her, around her?!?

That is what it’s like with Me too. I’m The One doing the work in the background.

Friend, its not US doing the restoration work…we are not chisling and repairing broken pieces…
It is not US tearing down or rebuilding walls, or restoring rooms…

HE is doing the work!! 

And guess what....We can STILL DO THE THINGS in the “construction zone.” 

The enemy would like us to think otherwise. That's how he keeps us "shut down."

We are ALWAYS  “under construction”… being sanctified (made new) by grace, being stirred up, cleansed, restored.
 God’s part is the construction. 
 Our part is the seeking & surrender.

“And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

She shares in the video (click here to watch) the importance of having people in your circle who you ALLOW to speak life over you. I love love love doing this for others. It's not about flattering someone or trying to boost their ego or make them feel better on a down day. It's to be used by God in stirring one another up, for the purpose of His glory and our good. For me, I love sharing God's hearts with others that they may know they are loved, seen & heard by God, that He is near, therefore take courage and keep the faith!!!  

Encouragers need Encouragers too. I am sooooo thankful she is one of mine! I am grateful for friends like Martha who lead by example and don't just talk the talk! This is what Titus 2 looks like....we keep showing up as we are, with the message God gives us, and we share it with others knowing HE brings HIS Words, through us, to the hearts of the others. 

We ALL have the choice to show up while “under construction.” Seek HIM first, trust HIS working and ALLOW yourself to surrender to His building work around you and His refining work through you. He's Got You!!! 

All the Love under construction,

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

The Least of These: Caring for Others

The blog post beautifully reflects on the concept of "love in motion," inspired by a touching story of a mother and daughter caring for a lamb. It emphasizes that love is reflected in small acts of kindness and presence, revealing the heart of God when we support those in need, whether they are overlooked or struggling. These acts don't require grand gestures; they happen in everyday moments and are profound demonstrations of our calling to mirror divine love.

The post encourages readers to be the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing hope and care to others, particularly those who feel forgotten. In doing so, we participate in a larger divine plan, showcasing that every heart matters. It reassures readers that God's love finds us in our fragility, promising support and encouragement in ways that demonstrate His goodness.

Ultimately, the post calls to action by prompting reflection on how we can enact "love in motion" daily. It suggests that through simple gestures of kindness, we make a significant impact, healing hearts, and embodying God's presence. By seeking guidance, we can discover opportunities to make a difference and share the transformative power of love, enriching our lives and those of others.

Surrendering to God’s Call: The Legacy Power of a Simple Yes

Have you ever considered the lineage of your “Yes”? That one, small act of surrender to God carries more significance than we often realize. Your “Yes” isn’t just for you—it has a ripple effect that touches lives and spans generations.  

It’s easy to get caught up in our personal struggles with decision-making:  
- Should I?  
- Would I?
- Can I?  
- Do I even want to? 

The enemy wants you to believe that your “Yes” doesn’t matter—but it does. Your “Yes” carries eternal value in God’s timeline!  

Why Your Yes Matters

Matthew 6:33 reminds us to:   “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”  

Why? Because God created each of us with a specific plan and purpose in mind. We’re intricate dots in the grand tapestry of His divine timeline.  

Look at the lineage of Jesus: every individual’s choice to surrender and say “Yes” to the Lord impacted future generations—including us today. Your simple “Yes” holds that same power.  

A Real-Life Yes Lineage 

Recently, I reflected on my own “Yes lineage,” and it left me in awe of how God weaves lives together for our good and His glory.  

Here’s a little lineage story:  

1. Martha’s Yes
   My friend Martha first said “Yes” to becoming a Daughter of the King. Later, she said “Yes” to being used by God in online business where I met her. Her Yes allowed my Yes which is what connected us. Her Yes to serving online led her to another connection who led her to Diana who was hosting a Faith & Fitness conference in Tampa, Florida. Diana invited her to speak and Martha said Yes! 

2. Diana’s Yes
   Diana first said YES to being a Daughter of the King. then to be used by God (with her hubby) to help people in Faith & Fitness and host an event where she would invite amazing leaders like Martha, Alita and Brent to speak. 

3. My Yes 
  Because I wanted to support my friend as a speaker, I joined the Zoom Diana hosted introducing the Speakers for the event. Here I would "meet" several of them. God nudged my heart to grab a ticket and go! It aligned with my heart for Faith & Fitness.  God showed me the value to be in the same room as these amazing leaders. It was an answered prayer for helping me sit under Implementing Leaders. I wrestled with imposter syndrome but ultimately said “Yes” to grabbing a VIP ticket, to find myself as worthy of it. I knew I needed to sit closer to leadership, and that decision changed everything.  

4. Alita’s Yes
   Diana invited Alita, who's first Yes to the Lord was followed by another  “Yes” to leading a women’s ministry. At one point in the event, Alita sat next to me, and when she asked if we could pair up to speak life into each other, I said “Yes”—and that connection has been a blessing ever since.  

5. Brent and Becky’s Yes  
   This sweet couple said “Yes” to following God’s call to ministry and encouragement many years ago. They also said “Yes” to attending Diana’s event, where I was blessed by their wisdom and kindness that continues today.

That one small “Yes” to support my friend Martha, who said “Yes” to speak at an event hosted by Diana, has turned into countless blessings over the past year. My word for 2024 was “More,” and through these connections, God has indeed shown me “more”—more friends, more blessings, and more clarity for my ministry.  

Now, as 2025 approaches, my word is “Simplify.” And it all started with one simple Yes, in a long lineage of yeses.   

Friend, your “Yes” doesn’t begin or end with you. You are part of a divine lineage that started In the Beginning and will continue long after. Just as every “Yes” in the lineage of Jesus impacted eternity, so does yours.  

This is not a call to say YES to everything. We must discern the will of God first! 

When you follow the nudge and hear God ask, you can trust Him with your “Yes” in surrender, obedience, and faith. Someone else’s breakthrough, blessing, or next step is likely waiting on the other side of your Yes!  

Keep it simple.  
“Yes, Lord, Yes.”  

Reflection Question:
What is God asking you to say “Yes” to today? Will you step out on faith and trust Him on this eternal timeline?
Lean not on your own understanding!!
He's Got You!!

So much Love as H.I.S. (Heart in Surrender),

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,
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