Our lives are an intricate balance of burdens carried and burdens lifted as we strive to both give and receive in this world, working together for a common good in humility, honor, submitting ourselves to the cause of Christ over our agenda and purpose.
There is a season for everything and our response to those seasons are crucial to the Kingdom of Grace. We a;; carry burdens and have the opportunity to impose them on another but also seeking a prayerful partnership to carry them to the set of Jesus. The imposed burdens we place on others destroys relationships if not confronted. Our sin hurts those around us whether we see it or not, or want to admit it or not. Can we ask for help in sharing our burden? Yes! Ask! God places people in our lives to walk alongside you for such a time as this. The problem comes when when our selfishness and pride keeps us from admitting we are burdening those around us, and causing hurt.
Equally, we will never fully realize how impactful our blessings can be to the ones we serve and love on in the Name of Jesus. May we continually strive to live humbly, serving and loving our Lord first, above all others, confessing our sins to one another that the King of Glory reign in our lives, lifting every burden.
May we set aside our pride and consider how our actions (burdens and blessings) affect others. These simple choices change our world.
Here’s what that can look like:
Burdens Unaware:
Something so simple as the one who took the last square of toilet paper and didn't replace it, or left the milk out all day, or forgot to turn off the hose or bring in the wet towel from the car, ask them. It mattered. It does.
For the one addicted to drugs or alcohol and doesn't think their spouse is impacted, ask them. It does.
For the husband who says his pornography doesn't impact his wife or family, ask them. It does.
For the one who chooses self and assumes others will pick up the slack and not think twice about it, ask them. It does.
For the one who demands their way as the way it has to be, ask them. It does.
For the one who ignores, yells and curses, ask them. It does.
For the one burdened with guilt, shame, fear, insecurity, ask them. It does.
The burden we bear and the burden we cause, affect those around us even when we don't think it does.
Inside Blessings:
For the one who bless their spouse with loving care, consideration and help, ask them. It does.
For the kids who's parent help them and pray for them, ask them. It does.
For the neighbor ill, you've blessed with a meal or yard help, ask them, it does.
For the friend receiving our prayers, encouragement and support, ask them. It does.
For the person who dropped all their items, and you helped, ask them. It does.
For the ones we honor and salute their sacrifice, ask them. It does.
For the hurting friend who we simply hug or share a laugh or cup of coffee with, ask them. It matters.
For the one hungry and we feed them, ask them. It does.
For the hopeless one reminded they have Hope in a Savior, ask them. It does.
For the ones in authority, in military, law, co-workers and church, we take time to honor, ask them. It does.
For the one who realized they once were lost, but now have been found, ask them. It does.
For the one afflicted in the flesh, but consoled by The Healer, ask them. It does.
For the ones we shared our testimony with, restoring faith, ask them. It mattered.
The blessings we give and the ones we receive, carry an eternal weight of glory we cannot imagine this side of Heaven.
Do our actions matter? Yes they do.
For the one caught up in sin, yes, it is hurting you and yes, it is hurting those around you. Ask them. It does. But praise God Almighty, His blood is thick and fresh enough to cover all your sins and cast them far off, to mend your broken places and restore you to the plans and purpose He has created you for.
For you walking alongside another, bearing the burden of another, bless your heart for the love you are showing in Jesus' Name. May He continue to grant you renewed energy, compassion and empathy for them. He is faithful to sustain you in your care for them.
Be careful though, you do not bear more than you ought and get in the way of what God may be doing in their life. Us Encouragers and Peace Makers have a tendency to enable. You will end up hurting yourself in the process and healing will take longer for the both of you, extending the burden further to others.
For the one with the thorn in your flesh, remember for everything there is a season and God's grace will be enough to sustain you during this down time. Be willing to allow others to minister to you or on your behalf as hard as that might be. Check your pride and stubbornness at the door and come rest.
"So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me.
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
2 Corinthians 12:8-10
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Heart Hugs and Blessings,