What a Week!!! Not only is it Easter weekend, it's also my bday week. So much LIFE to Celebrate over here!! Long story short, the Lord drew me out of drowning waters of perfection, worry, insecurity, living my life as a Check List Christian, hustling for my worth, and led me beside still waters where we sat quiet in the chaos, together.
It didn't feel quiet really, but the waters were quiet. I didn't feel peaceful at first, I was still catching my breath from treading water and tumbling about my days nearly all my life. I was exhausted and at the end of my ability to keep up the hustle. He saw me, the sheep who had meandered to the back of the pasture, struggling to keep up and in His loving kindness walked over to me, carrying me back to nearness to Him once again.
But God. He was faithful as we sat in Holy Hushed silence.
While I had known Him nearly my whole life, it was during this time I got to know His heart. Good Friday took on a whole new meaning from this birthday on. What's so good about it?!? It's the act of Love that saved my life and yours. Good Friday taught me Love in Honor rather than expectation. Christ the King surrendered. His death wasn't "good." He is good.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. His Love is Good.
My birthday week is especially special because it is my Celebration of Life date. It's the date I declared chains off, pit filled, valley conquered, heart mended, weakness overcome. April 2009 will forever be this Anniversary date in my life.
I can't help but live my life in a state of worship after living it in a lifetime of worry. He paid...it...all.
I am forever grateful for my very breath. I am forever grateful for His Heart for me, and for you too. The enemy knows this and continually works to make us small. The enemy wants us to live life overthinking, overwhelmed and busy. This is how we miss God's whispers. This is how we miss out on fellowing with Him.
Soul stillness...this is that season for me. Being still, allowing Him to lead me beside still waters. It's hard to find the words to describe it, hopefully this video I recorded the other day helps.
Whatever season you find yourself in, I pray you find stillness for your soul, a rest in the arms of your Sweet Savior. that brings you to worship. If you love a good worship playlist, I shared mine here if you are looking for some new ones.
Happy Easter, Happy birthday to all of us. We each have the opportunity to celebrate new life in Jesus Name, our Savior and King, Father and Friend.
If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!
Heart Hugs and Blessings,