Turn left, turn right, GO BACK!?! As someone who has dealt with fear, anxiety and insecurity most of her life, the stress of NEW THINGS is REAL!!!! It's the weirdest thing to be so excited for a new thing yet at the same time, terrified!
Through these experiences, we are refined. These are the trials that grow our faith muscles, exposing our strengths and our weaknesses. Whether it's a new hobby, a different way of thinking, or exploring the world, embracing new adventures can truly transform our lives if we allow it to but it means we have to say YES to the new path.
Fear is most often rooted in the unknown. For those of us who fear rejection and fear of failure, taking steps into unfamiliar places is not thrilling as is for some. For us, it's scary and becuase we don't know all the things, we cannot prepare for all the things, so our calculated risk is to choose NOT to move forward, rather stay where we are. BUT GOD!!!! As Christ followers, we choose to Walk by Faith, NOT by SIGHT!!!
New things is something God certainly embraces. Look at us, made new in Jesus Name! In fact, His mercies are NEW every single morning!!!
Step 1: Pray!
Pray for your level of trust to increase because that will help you understand the level of your surrender. And I believe the level of your surrender will help you understand your level of peace.
Don't let the fear of failure hold you back from trying new things - nobody starts as a master. Instead, view every new experience as a learning opportunity. Some of you will feel the courage and JUMP!!!! Other will take small steps, gradually immersing yourself in the unfamiliar. Neither are right or wrong! It's YOUR path, YOUR journey, YOUR faith! Just MOVE FORWARD!!
Step 2: Partner Up with Sisters
Surround yourself with like-minded Sisters who have conquered their fears in this particular area you're navigating. The equally yoked part is SO important when we look for Mentorship and Titus 2 relationships. The advice will NOT be the same even if the love for you is.
Guard your heart's ears. Make sure the places you step in to are in alignment with your beliefs. We are surrounded by lots of opinions in this world, online and offline. We are wise to seek encouragement from friends, family, or online communities who share their experiences and offer support that is helpful and not something you have to tweak.
It's so helpful to also know you're not alone on this adventure.
Step 3: Praise in the Pause
Worship is a dissolver of worry. When we worship, we are fixing our eyes on Jesus. This allows our hearts to release our burdens into His loving care and casts the insecurities out of our reach. This is the journey forward, not towards what we cast, but forward towards our Father's outstretched arms towards us.
Sister, let go of your fear of the unknown! It does not serve you. Your faith will serve you as you run your race with perseverance and trust. Trust the One sending you! Do NOT go back! Fan your faith and walk boldly through those open doors!
Blessings and Cheer!!
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This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!
Heart Hugs and Blessings,