Have you ever felt like you woke up in to a Valley Season? You feel disconnected? Like an echo chamber surrounds you? I sure have and I imagine I am not the only one. When find ourselves in those valley seasons – those moments where it seems like we're in the middle of nowhere, alone and questioning our purpose. As Christian women, these times may feel isolating, but let's take a moment to reframe our perspective.
The enemy would like us to think we're being punished by God or that we've done something wrong. He's clever like that. When we live our life in Love, Love hopes. I think in our busy world, sometimes we need to get alone with God, like really get alone and if we don't choose to sit with Him, He will be seeking intentional one-on-one times with us. God places us in these quiet spaces not to distance us but to draw us closer to Him. In the stillness of the valley, there are conversations that can only happen there when we are left undistracted by all the other things.
The enemy whisper lies, convincing us that we've been left in a desolate place. But that's far from the truth. In those moments of solitude, we are never truly alone. God orchestrates these seasons so that we can hear His voice more clearly and yes, sometimes those places look like pits, caves, ocean waters and valleys.
So, what happens when we find ourselves in these valley seasons, and what are the benefits and blessings that accompany them?
Our valleys are not comparable to others'. Each person's journey is unique, and the duration of these seasons may vary. Whether it takes a short while or an extended period, there's no right or wrong timeframe. Remember, even the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.
As we sit in these moments, it's essential to take a deep breath and intentionally look for God, otherwise you're going to curl up and fall back. I believe this is one of the gateways into depression. We are taken back and instead of taking a deep breath, we freak out and begin to scramble to understand and when we don't understand or don't see a way out, we panic and when we panic, we exhaust ourselves treading water. If we don't recognize His hand reaching for us, we will sink in the shifting sands.
I believe this is also where having Heart Sisters near is crucial in our lives. I think more of us would need less therapy if we had more trusted friends to do life with. There is definitely a place for therapy, so don't hear that wrong. But so often us Introverts are stuffers. We just don't talk about the hard moments becuase it's exhausting and we'd rather conserve energy...but the reality is it takes a ton of energy to stuff our thoughts and feelings. We were created for community! We need each other. It's how Titus 2 and iron sharpening iron relationships happen.
Sister, you are not alone. Once you realize this is what's happening, take a deep breath and exhale all the unknowings, breath back in the Peace of His Presence. Say to the Lord, "Here I am." These heart-to-heart conversations may be hard, the time in the wilderness may feel dry and vast, take comfort, He is near.
For those of us who tend to be "wall builders," guarding our hearts, it might take some time to settle into the awkward silence, the sudden stillness. Resist the temptation to compare your journey with others, and instead, focus on seeking God's heart.
In these moments, discipline your heart, mind, and soul to sit still and let God draw you close. These are the moments of pruning, refining, and teaching, but they are also moments of being held, loved, and refilled with God's goodness.
If you ever find yourself questioning why you're in a valley season, remember this: you haven't done anything wrong. Rather, you've been blessed with a quiet season, a moment in time when God desires your undivided attention. Embrace these moments, seek Him, and let Him reveal His heart to you.
Remember, He sees you, He hears you, He's near, and most importantly, He loves you. Embrace the quiet, for in those moments, you'll find renewal, strength, and a deeper connection with your loving Father snd Forever Friend.
Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods.
In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him.
The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.
Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if only you would hear his voice,
Psalm 95: 1-7
All the hugs and Love,
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Heart Hugs and Blessings,