It's the season of love! Sadly, many people don't feel loved. December and February are documented as months with the highest rates of depression, anxiety and life ending thoughts and actions. Perhaps the New Year Goals we so desperately hoped for, didn't happen. Maybe we've experienced loss or betrayal in our life. Maybe our body is just worn out and depleted leaving us feeling weak.

As Christ Followers, we are charged with sharing HIS LOVE with all, just as He did! In a season many struggle with feelings of self-worth, loneliness, and anxiety how much more important is it for us to surround ourselves with MORE LOVE so the from the Love we hold, we can share because I learned the hard way, giving from the fumes, won't go far....Here's what I do to keep my eyes fixed on God's Heart so I can stay hydrated with His Living Water and share with others.....

1. Surround Yourself with Worship:
Infuse your surroundings with worship. Play uplifting worship music in the background of your home, in the car, on the go! Philippians 4:8, think about the loveliness of God and count your blessings in every day. Focus on the goodness of God, not the circumstances around you. God knows. He is near.

2. Build a Circle of Like-Minded Sisters in Faith:
In times of struggle, a strong support system can make all the difference. Connect with like-minded sisters in faith who can offer empathy, encouragement, and prayer. Joining a faith community, (here's mine) whether in person or online, and if you don't have a church home yet, it's so important you do! Most important though is have people in your life you can ask to pray for you, whether in need or in covering protection.

3. Immerse Yourself in God's Word:
Immerse your mind and soul in God's Word constantly, being in The Word audibly reading it and memorizing it.  Whether it's through daily devotions, Bible studies, or simply reflecting on verses that speak to your heart, the scriptures can bring peace and perspective in challenging times.

4. Scriptures on Post-It Notes:
Create a visual reminder of God's promises by placing scriptures on post-it notes in strategic places around your space. These little notes of encouragement can serve as constant reminders of God's love, grace, and faithfulness. It's a simple yet impactful way to keep His Word at the forefront of your mind throughout the day. I keep them in my purse, on my mirror, etc,

5. Wear Your Faith with Cute Clothes:
Wear it! Whether it's a tee with an uplifting message or accessories adorned with meaningful symbols, wearing your faith can be a powerful way to express your beliefs and serve as a reminder of the hope and love that surrounds you. Who doesn't love CUTE clothes that share our Love for Love Himself!?! I love these hoodies

The enemy would love for people to fall out of love, because heartbreak and loss weight our hearts. When our hearts are heavy, we don't respond in loving ways. In this season of love, let's first receive the Love of God into our hearts overflowing and recognize the schemes of the enemy who fight to divide us from Love. Then, let's extend our hearts to those who may be struggling and share these tips to help them find peace and joy. By reminding each other the importance of surrounding yourself with worship, connecting with a supportive community, immersing in God's Word, and putting on reminders of faith, you and your friends can navigate through challenges with hope and grace. Together, let's spread love and light in the lives of those who need it most.

Other resources that you will find helpful are Christian apps and ministries like Lifeway Women, Women of Faith and Proverb 31 Ministries to name a few.

 Love & Hugs to Sweet Sister Friends!!!

I am so thankful YOU are in MY Heart Shaped Circle!!!!! 
Love you,

Psst: I am hosting a 7 Day Challenge in my Group Feb 7-14th if you would like to join us there!!!

And if you're looking for MORE LOVE ideas, I have a big list for ya here!

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,


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