Last week was my “Off the Grid-ish Escape Week" enjoying time with Texas Family, Friends new and old, and time alone. 

Since 2009, after my heart, soul and mind crashed and burned from serving everyone, with my everything, and hardly my own self, finding rest became a way of life necessary for me to function in. As a Mom of 4 amazing kids, life was FULL! There wan never a moment of not having something to do. There is always a room to clean, laundry to wash, yard to care for, homework to complete and a question (or sibling squabble) to help work out! Mom Life is a blessed and full life, for sure! Of course, we can all get busy doing all the things. 

Our schedules can be filled overflowing regardless of marital status or occupation! 

believe our hearts are in the right place and we desire to serve our loved one with all we have, which is wonderful...however, the caution is when we don't leave time to Play or experience Grace. I call it Space for Grace, where not only we allow wiggle room in the schedule but also for where we can find some quiet. How much more efficient it is inside Sufficient Grace vs running on fumes, fueled by well meaning purpose and intentions.

In 2009, I began to incorporate early mornings and a mid-daytime alone in quiet with the Lord. I still do this as if my life depends on it- cuz for me it does.

Sometimes it is driving, walking, sitting, floating in the pool, paddleboarding or running the boat out. Sometimes it’s the corner of the couch and my blanket watching a podcast or sermon. 

One of the things I began was adding in one weekend a year to be alone in my house. I am a total introvert and shy girl so back in the day, I DID NOT enjoy traveling alone. It made me more anxious and dinned me. I did not have fun being alone even though the concept was dreamy! So, my hubby would take the kids to one of the Grandparents for the weekend and enjoy a sweet visit. At the time my husband also worked a TON, so this presented an opportunity for him to share time alone with the kids and them with him, with the bonus assist from the Grandparents! 

I enjoyed being in lock down in my house by myself! I ordered food to go that I wanted and my family traditionally did not prefer. I stayed up late writing, sleeping on the couch, outside time in the pool reading. Very Arely did I call a friend to meet me for coffee or go for a walk. I just wanted to take off every title and just....be...Michele, Daughter of The King, Child of God, held by my Father and sitting cuddled up with Him on the Couch. 

It has always been glorious and fun and healing! There's also something fun about being spontaneous and having a loose schedule. In our daily lives as a Mom, Wife, Co-Worker, even as a Volunteer, our lives are so scheduled that it is freeing to hit the pause button and play! Pay very attention to the time, including the unplugging from socials and expectations of contact! 

This past week was such a trip, however all these years later and look at what God has done! I love traveling by myself, although I will say, I do take the time to visit fiends vs locking myself in a hotel room.

In this season, my filling is my heart, more than needing actual focused time of quiet alone. I recently enjoyed a weekend getting to know a sweet new Sister in a state I had never visited and wow was that precious to me. I spent time with a friend of over 20 years, time with another friend who I hadn't seen her in what felt like the longest year ever, and with my Mama for her 80th birthday....and with about 1,ooo women worshiping our Jesus all together. GLORIOUS!! When someone trusts you enough to invite you into their personal home, that's a God Move right there. My heart is so full, once again.

One of the FUN things I LOVE about My Escape Week/ends are trying new things and seeing new places, experiencing things from someone else's perspective. And let's face it, I live on an island and don't leave much sooo, I am easily entertained! My Mom laughs every time I arrived at her Houston home and head straight to the backyard of lush grass and kick off my shoes and plop down right in the middle of the backyard under her massive oak trees!

Oh, I tried Gelato for the first time and YUM…I LIKE!! 

So I don’t know if you feel like you need permission to take time to take a break, whether it’s a few minutes a day, a day or weekend trip, here’s your Permission Slip! 

The family may shed a few tears when you head out but they will thank you when you return full of rest and joy! Do all that you can to prep the house as I am sure you will do, and take as much off your plate as possible without dumping it all on the hubby. 

believe we can avoid burnout if we incorporate Space for Grace into our way of life, something beyond a Calendar box to check off. Take some time and refresh your heart, clear your mind, get out of the crazy cycle of every day life. 

It will all be there when you get back and you will come back in with full newness of energy!

Your Big Sis

Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV): "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,


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