How To Say No to Others while Saying Yes to God

Let's Start out this Monday with a Confession shall we?!?!

I used to think it was a kind, humble, heroic and a Servant-Leadership quality to say YES to e v e r y t h i n g. 
Yes, I will do that for you.
Yes, I can do that.

Whether it was for my kids, my husband, my friend, my church, my neighbor...I said Yes. People-Pleasing, yes but not in the I need their approval kind of way, rather I thought I would be exemplifying the Love of Jesus by serving and helping others if they asked. 

This was a problem in 2 big ways:
1.) I burned out and found myself running on fumes trying to be everything to everyone regardless if I felt able to (or wanting to) which caused anxiety, anger, frustration, shutting down in depletion, to name a few. There were many days I felt like a Doormat. Some days I felt like a Vending Machine. 
2.) I was taking someone's else's blessing of serving in their place. I was a quick Yes without praying and asking God if this was my Yes or someone else's. Which also meant that I may have missed my own Yes Blessing because I was doing theirs.

Once I crashed and burned, God sat me down for a season and said, Enough with that. I need you to meet with Me first. I AM your Yes, No, Not Yet.

This is why I am always quoting Matthew 6:33. It's so important we seek what God has prepared and planned for us. Some things may be amazing opportunities and reasons to say Yes, but if God hasn't called you to it, it will feel hard, frustrating, depleting and like you are working with weights on. You may be able to do the things, but are you supposed to be doing those things is the real question.

It's so important for so many reasons why we need to Seek Him, Ask Him, first! We can't outrun God or fall so far behind He can't bring us to the right place, but we certainly can get stuck in an unnecessary wilderness or walked needlessly the wrong way and missed out on some blessings prepared for us.

Prayerful considerations are what are stablished within learning boundaries. Boundaries for setting up the guardrail and launching pad that prayer comes first before my word is given, be it a yes or no. Boundaries for knowing where my strengths and weaknesses and allowances are.

Prayer to ask God if this is something He has set up for you. Prayer to ask God for the strength and courage to do it if you don't think you are able or qualified. Prayer to release the selfish desire to be the hero and instead step back and support the one called to so the thing. Wherever He leads, this is where I set my eyes and energy. 

Of course, this I not being legalistic to ask God , My Child is sick, should I stay home with them or go shopping with a friend, Should I buy my friend a cup of coffee when we go out, Should I let someone get in line in front of me at the store because their baby is ready to go home. God gives is common sense and discernment for every day life things. Some things won't be super easy, or obvious which those are the moments we Seek Him. 

Knowing we'd need Community support, encouragement and iron sharpening iron mentorships, He created us for each other to intertwine our paths. Titus 2, Proverbs 27:17...such valuable relationships (gifts) in our lives!!!! 

Teaching these things to her too, my mini-me empath, generous, compassionate, people-living, God-loving Girl.

Lord, Thank You for Your loving kindness, patience and gentleness to restore, renew and return us back to You. We confess when we run ahead of You, pull us back Lord. We confess when we are stubborn or afraid and we hide behind, pull us up Lord. We need You to Lead us. Be our Guide, our Shield, our YES and AMEN!!!! 
We need and love You so much, in Your Son's Merciful and Grace upon Gracious Name, amen.

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Dear Tired Mom, I See You.

Stop Worrying about messing up your kids and worry more about messing up YOU!!!! You have probably heard the old saying, If Mama ain't happy, aint no one happy." Well, there's some truth in that. I'll say this, If Mama isn't happy, Mama needs more time with Jesus!! 

As Moms, we tend to put ourselves last on the list. We allow our day to run us vs running our day. And If Mom is stressed & overwhelmed, so will the family be. If you are depleted, you are functioning and contributing from lack, not abundance and God came for us to live in abundance! 

A Mom functioning on fumes from a depleted tank has nothing sustainable to share. Like a battery, in the red, it isn’t going to send a charge and in the meantime, we are hurting ourselves.

It's a fact: A depleted battery cannot charge another battery as much as we try! 
We must charge our battery in order to serve the ones around us well. So how do we fill back up?

Foundations: Structure, Surrender and Sisterhood are everything.

  • Creating a routine and establishing clear intentions, boundaries not only for self, but for the Home.
  • Meet with the Lord every morning (worshiping throughout the day in all the things as you serve your family and others) and seeking His plan/ goals, asking Him to lead you for the day/week.season.
  • Grace and yielding to God's plan as you prepare yourself to follow. Grace to trust when He says No to something, or Yes to something you hadn't considered.
  • Letting go of perfect control and allow God to provide the provision of energy, wisdom and purpose. 
  • We need to be in fellowship with other like-minded Mama Friends and choose to do life together. There's so much blessing and courage and joy that comes from our iron sharpening iron conversations and Titus 2 relationships. We need each other!
Mama, the enemy would like for you to continue to hustle in your Heart & Home and never feel worthy.or caught up. He wants you to feel exhausted and make you think you're doing a horrible job because you aren't checking off all the boxes you think you should be to be that perfect Mom.

Mama Friend, you are perfectly equipped and able to serve in the Ministry of Motherhood because He has called you to this! Guard your time with your Savior and Friend.

Starting today, let's focus on how we can best bless our family through serving our Lord with all our heart, mind and soul, asking Him to fill us, charge us and replenish us as only He can so that in the overflow of His touch, we can touch those around us that He has prepared for us to touch in His Name.

Seek First, God, and all these things shall be added unto you! Amen

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

How to Manage Panic Attacks as a Christian Woman

 How to Manage Panic Attacks as a Christian Woman
Who even thinks about praising God in the midst of a crisis or more specifically, a panic attack? Panic/anxiety attacks are no joke. 

You literally feel like you’re having a heart attack....tight chest, pain shooting down the left arm, shallow breath, echo chamber with static in your head and swirly mental balance, ready to fall down or run you aren't sure. 

What you are sure about is feeling like you are about to die and you can't help but wonder where is God!

If you suffer from these I’m so sorry. I did too. While I wouldn’t wish it on anyone and I pray I never return to it, I am grateful for the new life birthed. God our Redeemer showed me how to turn my life of worry and panic into a life of praise.

The tears sowed in this season were the seedlings God used to grow my personal growth and writing journey. 

God set me on a path of healing in my life I didn’t even know I needed healing from. 

This is the grace of God. He won’t stand by and let us dwell helpless in a pit, playing small, thinking we are insignificant when He has created us for a fruitful life with Divine purpose. 

So how do we praise God in the midst of a crisis or panic attack? How do we worship in our worry?

 Eventhough I grew up in church and knew all the Bible Stories and participated in every Bible Study on a Tuesday night, served on Church Staff for years…I struggled in the beginning to praise and worship. I was scared, mad, sad, confused.

Day by day, God graciously chiseled at the thick brick wall fear and I had co-built around my heart for so many years. I was blind, but then I began to see.

Could I trust Him to be my shield? 
Could I trust Him to never leave me or forsake me?
Would His grace ever run out?
Am I worth His time?

Every morning at 3am, I woke up with my heart racing and mind spinning. My soul cried out every morning, “Why have You forsaken me Lord, I have lived my entire life surrendered to You, desiring to serve You, live life happily with You my Best Friend, the only One I trust in all the world. I need You. Is this it?! Am I done serving You here? Are You done with me?”

In these morning cries for answers, His voice became more clear to me and with every breath, I felt The Be Still and Know hold me. It was this season, God showed me His heart's hug.

My healing wasn’t just one thing that “fixed” me. There are no magic pills, prayers, potions or lotions, but there are amazing resources, the main one being Jesus, but also healing helps through people and products. 
Alongside seeking outside help, here are some of the simple every day life things I did. Maybe they will help you too as you seek your next best steps. 

  • Pray without ceasing, rejoicing always, giving thanks in all circumstances.
  • Wake Up and Go To Sleep every night with Gratitude, blessings proclaimed (worship)
  • Ask God to bring supporting Sisters to you who will cover you with wisdom, prayer and strength
  • Research healthy lifestyles - nutrition, exercise. mindset, daily habits, boundaries, journaling, worship, etc
  • Limit sugars and caffeines, get good sleep, honor your Temple
  • Find calm moments in your day, every day to be still and breathe
  • Practice acceptance, surrender, trust and meditation
  • Embrace Grace!! Create space for grace in your heart and home!
I no longer panic, praise God my Healer! I pray that for you too! Friend, because He lives and created all things, we have everything we need, we just need to let Him lead us to it.

You’re not alone and today is a new day full of mercies and grace, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Friend, God does not waste your tears and trials. They are refining fires, seedlings with purpose. Trust His heart is for you and He loves you! 

In Jesus Name, you are soooo held, loved, seen, sealed and protected by the Blood. Trust Him by His Word and worship that devil out as you rest, read, trust and surrender in the power and peace of Christ our Savior. Amen.♥️

God loves You and He’s Got you!
Heart Hugs, 

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

3 Basic Ways to Help Manage Stress for Yourself or Your Student

Not every person handles stress the same so be brave and have compassion enough to ASK!!! Don't assume they can handle it alone and don't need you. if it's YOU, ASK for some Love to diffuse your stress ball! 

It's really really hard to ask for support or a simple hug in the name of All Togetherness when you are the Peace Maker in the Home but I am challenging you this time to seek it out and let God bless you with Love through the hands and feet He has placed around you for such a time as this. Don't stuff your feelings. 

Pray, Praise and Pause!!! Receive the LOVE for the health of your soul. Tis the season to REJOICE! You've Got This!!! 

Why Motherhood Is So Easy, It's Hard

Nothing prepares you for the simplicity and hardness of Motherhood. Being a Mom is the most rewarding and adventurous career out there. Mom Life is a hard life but the most rewarding one. You are so many things to so many other people which is what makes it exhaustingly filling. To serve on the mission field as a Mom on Mission to raise up her child to love God and love others is an honor and a challenge, only possible through the ability to give and receive Love, to trust and surrender, to sacrifice and stretch beyond what is seen. Faith Life is Mom Life.
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