Overcoming Fear of Flying : But God!

I declared I would never fly again even though I had many miles under my belt. I took that declaration back, April 2009. Flying had become my new Goliath. I was desperate for courage like David, and the audacity of Paul. I knew the enemy wanted to keep me chained to the ground but God had prepared for me to fly.

The week to take this Fear No More flight had arrived. I had planned all week to study, exercise,, cut all caffeines and sugars, and be prepared for the flight. My check list was plentiful of all I had to do to make sure the flight was a success. Yes, notice the "I."

The very first morning of "the plan," I woke up with a fever. For 3 days, I had no energy or focus...on the week I needed it the most. Anxiety swelled within me. I had planned and prepared for NO anxiety. Apparently HE had other plans.

How was going to have a successful flight? How was not going to have a full out panic attack on the plane and potentially have a heart attack? 

Finally, the day before the flight I woke up without any symptoms. Yah, weird, but so goes spiritual warfare.

I leaped outa bed knowing I had MUCH to do to catch up on with The Plan to take down Goliath...sooo much studying to make up for and prayers to pray, salads to eat and vitamins to take.

Then, I heard in my spirit, "Lay back down." I literally laughed, there was NO WAY I was going to lay back down, are you kidding me?! I had so much to do!! 

I started to get out of bed a second time. And the voice repeated, "Lay back down." Ummmm, don't think so. But I couldn't shake that maybe, just maybe it was the Holy Spirit. 

I prayed asking for discernment if this was temptation or really God? It only made sense that it was Satan not wanting me to get out of bed to work my worship. 

I prayed....waiting for something...I didn't know what I was waiting for. 

At first, I was a little huffy....tapping my spiritual foot on the floor anxiously anticipating an explanation of why I was here and not over there getting stuff done. There may have even been an eye roll as I yanked the covers back over my chest. I had no clue and honestly, I felt frustrated wasting my time laying there, waiting.

So, I finally just asked God, "Why am I supposed to do now? Why am I here when I need to be getting myself ready for tomorrow?" What do you want to say? 

After a short Holy pause, He spoke..."I won't drop you." 

It was and still remains one of the most profound moments of my life. It was more than assurance of a panic free, non-crashing, non-freaking out flight, but as a whole, God is with me, He is near, He is not going to fail me. He won't drop me. This was His Plan. He was my Way. He was My Refuge and Strength, He was my Answer. He was my Calm. HE was The Plan!

I actually laid there in a Holy Hush and realized that I had been relying on myself, and not on God. I was working in my own strength, not trusting His provision of Grace. 

I had become controlling believing my success was all up to me and my efforts and ability to break the chains. I had placed my hope and success in the fruits of my own efforts.

But God!! His grace is sufficient and patience so abundant!

So the next time you prepare for battle, armor up and line up. God stands ready to fight with you, you need not fight alone!!

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Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Valentine's Isn't Just for Lovers

The month of Love. For some, it's a blissful month of chocolates, cuddles, oodling, dating, intimate moments, extravagance and flowers while others feel heartache, loss, jealousy and loneliness. 

We were created with a need for True Love. We spend our days searching to fill that space, trying so many different things, and will until you find Love Who Fills.

The media is so good at showing us ways to fill this need. Eventhough Love Himself fills and holds my whole heart, blessing  me with a Man to share life and love with for over 30 Valentines, I catch myself oodling at the beautiful diamonds and romantic getaways on all the commercials. 

In my every day life, I am simple. I enjoy a coffee on the couch in pjs, simple gifts, simple meals, simple outings, a simple way of life. I am not a glam girl. Do I love pretty things? Beautiful clothes? Nails and hair done? Nice food out? Luxurious spas? Sure! But I don't need them or chase them.  

A few years ago, I decided to start hosting a Sweet Love night at my home. I was so nervous because I hadn't ever hosted a party for friends before, an Introvert, yes, but also...fear of rejection. There it is. What if no one came? What if I was boring? What if they thought it was stupid?

But God! I dumped the lies and pursued True Love and did it anyway. I invited a group of women from my church over, in the Name of Love. In the room were woman who had recently lost their spouses, who were struggling to feel loved in their marriages, some who were too exhausted to experience love - Sisterly or Intimately.

These were soul satisfying nights of introducing these Sisters in Christ to each other, sharing stories of hope and love, and for those who don't know me yet or been to one of my events...yes, we enjoyed some serious coffee & chocolates!

As much as we need to embrace Love, some of us need to break up with false idols who keep us from receiving and giving love.

Today, what do you need to dump in order to have True Love?

Feelings of lack, envy, hate, jealousy, greed, addictions, pride, immorality?

Now that you have broken up, let's pray for Love's return and filling. Ask for blessings of Grace and deep soul satisfying wholeness. Open your heart to receive again. 
Whatever barriers have been placed around your heart, will you allow Jesus to be the new Gate Keeper? Will you trust, let go of control and surrender to Love?

May it be so.

I pray this month brings you such deep joy as you remember the Love The Creator, Your Father, the Great I Am has for you. His Love is unconditional and of the purest kind that no human on this earth, no matter how wonderful they are, can match. 

He is the Ultimate Lover of Your Soul. 
You can trust Him. 
He's got you in His heart. 

Will you allow Him in yours?

If you are looking for ways to share more love this year, check out this blog FULL of ideas!!

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
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Heart Hugs and Blessings,

How To Say No without Feeling Rude or Selfish

Do you ever find yourself wanting to say No but feel you simply can't?!? I get you! I was you until 2009 when the Lord strongly and "graciously" told me No to being Super Woman.

As someone with a heart for people and deeply rooted in the old ways Insecurity taught me to people-please…saying No was HARD! It felt rude and selfish and yet all the years later, I have come to realize saying No is a kind and humble thing to say.

The world gives you that look Mama used to give if you say No, even in the church. How can you say No to doing something good, right?! For us, saying Yes makes us feel like the Hero and it's so much less to worry about finding the right words and avoid offending, or being rejected by someone. Honestly, we just don't know how to say NO with grace and freedom! Let's practice saying a basic phrase....

Thank You so much, I am honored but I will need to say No right now.

I think this is great but it is not a fit for me.

No thank you.. 

No is also a complete sentence too. You don't owe anyone the reasons why, but I know us heart centered girls feel better when we share our hearts behind our answers.

We don't say No just to be lazy or get out of things, and if you're like me, you're not trying to! It's quite the  opposite...we want so badly to say YES!!!!

When we become everyone's yes, it means we are saying No to something else by nature. What is being avoided or ignored if we don't guard it's yes to it?!? Sometimes it's just our sanity, lol.

Other times, we are depleting ourselves to the point of never being able to serve in our mission or calling because we are so busy serving every one else's. I think sometimes people say Yes without even considering it wasn't theirs to say yes to and are stepping into a place meant for someone else.

When our morning prayer is " God lead me today into the Yeses YOU have already prepared for me and give the wisdom and courage to stay focused" we are more easily able to find the right answer at every ask. 

As you seek your Yes or No, may you seek first ask what His answer is and follow along His lead! (God doesn't always say Yes to everything we ask either - can we get an AMEN to that!)

Lord, Thank You for giving us Your Holy Spirit to lead and gird us up for our day. In a world of so many opportunities and temptations alike, we surrender our Yes to YOU ALONE so that we can say Yes or No to the world. Give us Your eyes to see the path laid out for us! Amen

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
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Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Ways to help a Friend Feel Pretty

Anyone else walk by the mirror and think, “ohhh I wish I change this?!” I have a long list of my attributes that I wish I could trade out, such as my nose, my ears, my eyes, my hair, my gut, my skin, my legs...just to name a few. No one wants to admit it but for many of us, its a painful truth.

Growing up, I was shy but friendly. As a pre-teen girl, the insecurity was compounded when severe cystic acne began, keeping me out of school for days at a time depending on the flare up or treatment days, (oh, and don't forget...with braces). I hated seeing myself in the mirror, and never let people take my picture.

I spent hours in front of the mirror every morning before school, tears in my eyes and anger in my heart, trying to mask my full self, so I could feel normal enough to go in public. I was terrified to cry or sweat in fear the make up or hair would shift out of position. 

While I didn’t want to be starred at, on a deeper heart level, I believed if my appearance was less than, they would see me as less than. And who doesn’t wish they were popular in middle school, even though you knew you didn’t really wanna be, but dreamed you could be!?

This is where the Great Cover Up began…dressing up the outward to compensate and distract from the mess underneath. Home was the only place I felt safe and relaxed. No wonder I am such a home-body! 

I am thankful for the words of Samuel: 1 Samuel 16:7
“But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." 

It’s been a long journey of healing to no longer be consumed by the need to hide my mess or prove my value. In fact, it fuels my encouragement ministry.

Here are some ways you can comfort and encourage your friend who you see struggling with this too… 

  • Speak to her heart: “I see you,” “Your heart is so strong/beautiful,” “God Loves You!” 
  • Scoot close and sit next to her and let her feel seen and still safe
  • Look her in the eyes when she’s talking
One of my favorite things now is the ability to hug without fear. No fear of being closely seen or touched, and no fear of make up accidentally wiped off! What freedom and joy!

God has fearfully and wonderfully made us and is looking at the beauty of our hearts. The King of the Universe, the Creator of all things, knitted us together with intricate and Divine details and we are precious in His sight. 

Who needs your safe hug today?

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
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Heart Hugs and Blessings,

How to Know God : Journaling Names of God in the Psalms

Most High. This two simple words, Most High, almost escaped me of their power and meaning. I am so glad God didn't allow that. 

Over the past year, I have been studying the Psalms for the names of God. Each time I came across a description of Who He was, I'd write it down. What a beautiful page to read at the end of my study time.

After writing them close to a hundred times in my journal, I was becoming numb to them..."Here they are again...(writing)...Most....H-i-g-h. My brain read “yada yada.”

God of Jacob
my Refuge
my Portion
God of heaven
Lord of lords
God of gods
Mighty One
The Lord is God
God of my salvation
Holy One
God my King
Father of the fatherless
Protector of widows

While I didn't want to write it down, I couldn't not write it down. It didn't make sense to me why I needed to write the same one sooooo many times, until now. I get it. God clearly wanted me to know Who was Most High. So, I looked up the definitions. 

According to Webster's Dictionary:

most: greatest in amount or degree; to the greatest extent; extremely; very

high: far above ground, sea level, or another point of reference; extending above the normal or average level; great, or greater than normal, in quantity, size or intensity; morally or culturally superior 

Wow. The God I seek to know is the God, Most-High. He is far above my point of reference, greater in quantity and intensity than all else, and He is superior. He is extremely God. He is superior to the greatest extent! This is my God! He is above all! 

May we remember Who we are seeking after and Who we call LORD our God. He is High above our circumstances. He is Higher than the battle we are fighting. He is Most capable. God, is Most High. 

Two simple words to describe the Greatest Power and Authority over all the heavens and the earth. No one and no thing is above Him. He's the Highest. He's the Most.

God, thank You for pressing these words into my spirit. When I feel strong, I praise You for giving me the Most power to conquer what comes against me. 
When I feel weak, I praise You for rescuing me from the pit and taking me Higher. 
Forgive me for the times I minimize Your Greatness, You are God Most High, my Salvation, my Refuge and my Strength. 
God, You are Higher than any other. I trust You to protect and provide for me all that I need. Who else is as great as You! 
I praise Your name and am thankful for Your intense Love. I know You Love me More. 
Help me love You back the same. 
Help Your children remember to never become numb to You. 
Forgive us for making You too familiar, common, or small, bringing You down to our human point of reference, for You are to the greatest extent, Most High. Amen. 

"Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!
For the LORD, the Most High, is to be feared, a great king over all the earth. 
Psalm 47

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
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Heart Hugs and Blessings,
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