Galentine's Day CALORIE FREE Gift Ideas: Tumbler, Slippers and More


Love is in the air, and what better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than by showing your appreciation for the amazing Sister Friends who make life sweeter? Galentine's Day is the perfect occasion to express your gratitude for those special friendships that stand the test of time. This year, I've found put together a few of my ultimate Galentine's Day Gift ideas!! Hope you love them too!! 

HOT Pink Tumbler! :Grab this COOL 40oz Tumbler on Amazon for your Besties for under $40! Whether she's sipping on her morning coffee, herbal tea, or just trying to hit her daily water intake, this tumbler is the perfect companion. It keeps her ICE cold and TEA hot...AND IT FITS INTO THE TINY CUP HOLDERS!!!! (All the Jeep Sisters need this one!!)

Friendship Bracelets: Show your love with a personalized touch by gifting friendship bracelets. Choose colors that resonate with your unique bond and add initials or a meaningful charm. It's a wearable reminder of your special connection, and every glance at the bracelet will bring a smile to your friend's face.

DIY Spa Day Kit: Treat your besties to a pampering spa day at home with a thoughtfully curated DIY spa kit. Include a cute stuffed animal or towelette, luxurious face masks, bath bombs, silk eye covers, essential oils and lotions and don't forget these slippers! I have gifted these slippers and they aren't the big goofy kind. If she has cold feet, she's gonna THANK YOU! 

Sweet Handwritten Card: Our world craves personal touch. Create or buy a card and fill it with your favorite shared memories or affimations. 

Virtual Movie Night Package: Distance can't keep you from celebrating together. Create a virtual movie night package for your friends with a subscription to a streaming service, some cozy blankets, and a selection of their favorite snacks. Plan a time to hit play simultaneously and enjoy a movie night together, even if you're miles apart.

Cute apparel: Who doesn't love CUTE clothes that share our Love for Love Himself!?! I love these hoodies from this faith based company! 

This Galentine's Day, go beyond the ordinary and surprise your friends with gifts that reflect the uniqueness of your friendships. Whether it's a stylish tumbler, a DIY spa day kit, or a virtual movie night, these ideas are sure to make your Galentine's celebration unforgettable. Love & Hugs to Sweet Sister Friends!!!

I am so thankful YOU are in MY Heart Shaped Circle!!!!! 
Love you,

Psst: I am hosting a 7 Day Challenge in my Group Feb 7-14th if you would like to join us there!!!
And if you're looking for MORE LOVE ideas, I have a big list for ya here!

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Boundaries and Introverts : Why You Need Them to Avoid People Pleasing and Burn Out


I enjoyed a great conversation today around Boundaries and of course, brought me straight into Sharing.  We don't talk enough about the importance of establishing boundaries in our lives is. In a world that constantly demands our attention and energy, maintaining a healthy balance can be challenging but it's necessary for our health in body, mind and spirit. Boundaries are not just for when days are difficult....they help us in our every day well-being. 

  1. Prioritize Spiritual Well-being: One of the fundamental reasons for setting boundaries is to prioritize our spiritual well-being. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to lose sight of our relationship with God. Establishing boundaries allows us to create sacred space for prayer, meditation, and communion with God. By creating guidelines for our time with the Lord and making it a top priority, we then can guard our gates and are more likely to remain in the pasture God has us.
  2. Protect Emotional Health: Boundaries act as safeguards for our emotional health. As Christians, we are called to love and serve others, but it's essential to recognize when our emotional well-being is shifting outside of His provisions. Learning to say 'no' when necessary and establishing limits help prevent burnout and ensure that we maintain a healthy balance between selflessness and self-care. By prioritizing emotional health, we can better fulfill our calling to love others as ourselves.
  3. Align Boundaries with Biblical Principles: Christ-centered boundaries are firmly rooted in biblical principles. As we set boundaries, it's crucial to align them with the teachings of the Bible. Reflect on scriptures that guide us in maintaining healthy relationships, managing our time wisely, and honoring our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. By setting our boundaries in God's Word, we ensure that they reflect His divine wisdom and contribute to our overall well-being.
Setting Christ-centered boundaries is not a sign of weakness but a testimony to our commitment of living a balanced life. As your Big Sis in the faith, I encourage you to prioritize your spiritual well-being, protect your emotional health, and align your boundaries with Biblical principles. In doing so, you'll discover peace, purpose, and freedom in your every day.

Sister, you are free indeed!!! God has boundaries, so can you!! If you are an Introvert who LOVES people and you enjoy this topic on's a video I just did!!

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

What it Means when You feel stuck as a Christian Woman

I shared a video over on YouTube this morning sharing bout when you feel like you're in a "time out" or you feel stuck, pulled back and thought I'd add the link to it here too with some additional tips on listening to God...

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding moments of quiet reflection and seeking God's guidance can often be challenging. Yet, as Christians, cultivating a habit of actively listening to God is so important for spiritual growth and guidance. Here are some practical tips to help you create space for God's voice in your daily routine.

1. **Start Your Day with Prayer and Scripture:**
Begin your day by intentionally setting aside time for prayer and reading the The Word. This allows you to align your thoughts with God's Word and opens your heart to His leading. Consider meditating on a verse that resonates with you, helping with thoughts, feeling, plans for the day ahead. Be sure you are listening! 

2. **Create Quiet Spaces:**
In the midst of a noisy world, carve out moments of silence by finding a quiet space where you can focus on God without distractions. Silence allows you to hear God's voice.

3. **Set Your Surroundings:**
Creating a calm atmosphere the best you can helps keep your heart and mind calm. For each person this will look different, so consider what you can do in your home or workplace that allows you to feel calm, focused, open...I love diffusing oils, comfy blankets, and listening to worship music in the background all day. This helps calm the mind, making it easier to hear God's gentle whispers throughout the day.

4. **Be Present in Daily Tasks:**
Incorporate mindfulness into everyday activities. Whether you're washing dishes, walking, or working, be fully present in the moment. This mindfulness allows you to invite God into the ordinary aspects of your day, recognizing His presence in the details.

5. **Journal Your Thoughts and Impressions:**
Keep a journal to document your prayers, thoughts, and any impressions you feel God is placing on your heart. Reviewing your entries can provide valuable insights into patterns, themes, and lessons God is teaching you. If you're not a journal girl, no biggie, take note, make a post, share with a friend. There are many ways to "note."

6. **Cultivate Gratitude:**
Expressing gratitude shifts your focus from what's lacking to the abundance God provides. Take moments throughout the day to thank Him for blessings, both big and small. A grateful heart is more able to give and receive. 

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you'll be better positioned to listen to God's voice, seek His wisdom, and experience a deeper connection with Him throughout the day. Remember, it's not about finding large chunks of time, although there is nothing wrong with the especially for study times, but in the every day moments, as you go, let's be intentional in our moments to seek Him first when we question what is happening in certain moments.

Just remember His heart is always FOR YOU!!! If He is drawing you in, its purposeful.

Be sure to check out the video

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

The 11 Day Jumpstart : 5 Practical things when Getting Started on Your Wellness Journey

Are you starting a new exercise program? Check out these practical items that can enhance your health journey. Invest in comfortable workout attire, such as a good sports bra and compression leggings, to ensure you can move freely without discomfort. Quality athletic shoes with proper support and cushioning are essential. Don't forget a non-slip exercise mat and versatile resistance bands for floor exercises and strength training. Stay hydrated with a reliable water bottle, and track your progress and reflections in a fitness journal. Remember, this journey is about progress, not perfection. Surround yourself with a supportive community and let's embark on this health journey together!

Please note that the original blog post also recommends a specific 11 Day Jumpstart program and suggests creating a workout playlist.

What is the 11 Day Jumpstart? One Year Review

Looking to jumpstart your health and wellness goals in the New Year? Consider joining the 11 Day Jumpstart program! This program focuses on resetting your body and mind, creating new routines, and establishing healthy habits. With delicious and nutritious meals, no starving required, and the guidance of an experienced founder, this program is perfect for those looking to make a lasting change. Not only does the program emphasize what you eat and how you move, but it also teaches the importance of mindfulness and maintaining a healthy mind. Join over 3,000 participants each month as you embark on this journey together. Take the first step towards a healthier you today! Check out more at 
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