It's been 10 YEARS of BUT GOD moments!!!!! While there are many details, here's the basic story of our move from Houston, Texas all the way to The Florida Keys.
In 2013, we began to feel a sifting of sorts. We knew God was moving us towards something but we weren't really sure what. We were dreaming of looking for a house on and and possibly some horses. We looked at homes in neighboring communities, and even towns. So, I began "nesting" by purging our big ol house of 13 years...just in case God showed us a new beautiful home in the coming year.
Our hearts began to really stir at the end of June 2014 and we felt like God was about to move us. He did. He said, "pack it up and go." Woah, what?!? Relly? But where? How? When?
We didn't know where or when or if really we would. We prayed fervently for God to show us and give us clarity either way...QUICKLY. School was starting soon! Practically, it made sense that it would be now, because we have a Senior in the house and it was literally our last chance as a family of 6 to take this family adventure together before we are a family of 5, then 4..3..2...living together. Spiritually, it made sense because we were sinking into an abyss of burnout and disconnect.
So we prayed in anticipation of what was He stirring (and really purging the closets). We had talked about options ranging from an hour North or East of Houston, to Colorado to North Florida Beaches. We already had our annual vacation planned for the July 4th weekend in New Braunfels and we "figured" "THAT MUST BE IT!!!" HOW EXCITING!!!! For over 10 years we have served alongside our sweet friends with their church there and "figured" that's where we will go. We felt comfortable and plugged in there nd it would be an easy transition, and return, since we felt it would just be a one year adventure statical for our family of 6.
We began looking for houses in all the places, and then decided to check out some New Braunfels houses. It felt dreamy and logical. Everyone was eager to get there and we discussed (and prayed) what life would be like there, which church would we join, how it would affect work, our business, our family, our friends, schooling for the kids, cost of living, etc. It would be a bigger move than staying local, but it wasn't too big of a move only being a 3 hour drive away from Houston life, work, family, friends.
Long story short, we had set 3 appointments to look at 3 houses for a one year contract and they ALL CANCELLED before we arrived! No kidding. This is what happens when you ask God to open and close the doors set before you cording to His will and not your wants. He did.
The Sunday before we left, Josh woke up and said, "I think we are supposed to move to The Keys." I seriously rolled my eyes and said, "Whatever." He would always say that when he felt burned out and stressed over the years. He looked at me and and I realized he wasn't joking. I still said, "No Way!" Churches? Hurricanes? Flooding? Sharks? Schools? Party Culture? Distance from mainland? Distance from family and friends? NO WAY!!!!
He asked me to at least pray about it and there was a part of me that wondered if he was just going into one of his dramatic moments while also kidding around with me because he knew I would be freaked out only to come back with his "just kidding Babe." Ha. Ha...never funny.
I said I would pray, and I did. God, we know You are calling us to pack up and go but we want to be very clear about where. We want to follow where YOU want us to go and not Josh's desire to live on an island, or mine with open spaces. Show us and make it crystal clear, open our eyes, give us unity and give me peace especially, that I may not fear this change if this is where You are calling us to. We choose to follow You and trust You. Believing You will provide, amen.
I woke up Monday morning and had an excitement in my spirit, about moving...further than 20 min away...further than 2 hours north, further than 3 hours west...further than 16 hours away....all the way to The Keys...24 hours away (driving straight thru!). I was shocked. I shocked myself. I was shocked by God...."really God? The Keys?!? Soooooo far away?!?"
God was very clear. While sitting there on their gorgeous porch sipping coffee, in a town we'd love to have called our new home, we booked airline tickets to The Keys, to get our feet and hearts on the ground to pray and confirm what we felt was already set in stone. Surprisingly to me, The Keys didn't seem so terrifying that morning. Could it really be Paradise over Panic?!?
We flew into Key West and began our search. His confirmations were abundant from the moment we landed. Our first stop was Sugarloaf Baptist Church which the Pastor happened to be there and he blessed us with prayer and encouragement to keep moving forward by faith. Bless my heart! Thankfully, joy and anticipation overcame my fear and anxiety. I know most people won't understand that, this is The Keys and Paradise, however, it can also be a huge sense of anxiety for the above mentioned reasons. But there was peace, like a river...or a Key's Beach!!!
We thought we would be in the lower keys, but He led us to the upper Keys. We had a hard time finding a place at first, but we kept praying. We wondered what God would do, and we were fine buying an RV if we had to, living in a campground if that's what He was calling us to do. But, God has "more than" and we are beyond blessed to call this place our home.
We skyped the kids and told them this was it, and they were excited! There was much to do in such a short period of time.
Josh met with his boss and explained that we would be moving for the year and was asking for approval to keep his job, we met with church leaders and let them know we would not be able to lead this coming year, and we told family members, friends and our LifeGroup.
We knew people would freak out, and they did. Its hard to explain those previous sifting years. W were not growing a crazy wild hair and picking up to go do something crazy!! This comes with much prayer, sacrifice, anxiousness, concern. That being said, of course...It is a grand move. It was going to be an adventure. It also came with a big price...leaving our comfort zones, missing our family, church family and friends, a comfortable life, a safe life, a familiar life, adjusting to a new life, a new culture, new schools, etc.
It was time to shift and sift. We had found ourselves depleting ourselves to others and not having anything left to minister to our own family. Pruning hurts for the moment but in the end, it's fruitful. We want to be fruitful!
We must first love Him as our personal Lord with all our hearts. We must train up our children in the way they should go. Mom and Dad must lead in this example. If we don't share, the kids won't share. If we don't serve, the kids won't serve. If we don't worship, the kids won't worship.
As parents, our first mission field is our family. Second is the church. Third is the world. But it must start with us loving God, as our personal Lord and Savior just as He has called us to. "And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God,to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of the LORD, which I am commanding you today for your good?." Deuteronomy 10:12-13.
Our journey starts with Love. Continues with Love. Ends with Love.
We serve a very patient and loving God who meets us right where we are!! I am so thankful for His faithfulness. What we thought was a "never gonna happen" thing, turned into a "one year and we'd be back in Texas" thing, to living on an island for 10 years.
What about you...do you feel shifting, sifting, sorting, pruning? A Holy Hush of an undercurrent to move, something, somewhere, somehow?!? It doesn't mean He is literally moving your zip code, although He sure can and will. Sometimes the movements are within us.
What are your can'ts or wont's? Your wishes and dreams? Where in your life is God giving you opportunities to expand your boundaries, dreams, stretch some new muscles of faith? Where in your own life is He showing you outside your comfort zone? Are you living practically or faithfully? Are you asking Him for open and closed doors?
Trust me, there is peace when you surrender, let go and trust.
If we live a practical life, we will have practical results. If we live a faithful life, we will have GREATER faith! That doesn't mean it will be easy. I could go on about the faithfulness of God but I will stop here and say, "Love Him first!! Seek first, the kingdom of God...and remember that He works all things for good!"
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
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This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!
Heart Hugs and Blessings,