Tips for My Anxious Introvert Sisters at Social Events

As an introvert, annnndd if you struggle with insecurity, doesn’t mean you have to skip out on socials and events. Let's Chat....grab your's Sister Time.

I used to avoid going anywhere alone, especially if it was new to me, even if it was an event at my own church. I didn’t wanna show up into the unknown. Not knowing who would be there or what to expect! I missed out on a LOT of love and experiences until I learned it was a good idea to buddy up and not miss out on what could be a blessing!! 

With time and healing and some awesome Sisters to be my Event Buddy, I learned to be courageous and confident enough to go out alone. ALONE! It feels embarrassing to say that because soooo many people don't even think twice about going places alone....not sure whether to blame shyness, insecurity, fear...but I blame the enemy. 

I used to sit in the shame and feeling less-than-ness. Because I was feeling small in my shyness and introvertedness, I saw myself as boring and lacking. I wanted so badly to be fearless, vivacious, fun and extroverted but it wasn't me and trying to be was soooo draining and exhausted me. Knowing it would take so much energy to "keep up" I mostly chose to stay home.

Anyone else?!?

Now, all these years later, I have since hosted events, and plan to do more, mindful of people who are scared to be there just like old me! Funny how God works!!! Sure, depending on the event, I get butterflies, but it's not fear based. 

Whether it's with a Friend, or by myself, I actually enjoy going out to new places, seeing new things, trying new things, walking in the anticipation God is revealing His glory to me, cuz He knows I can't help but shout out the praise and use it as an encouragement for someone else! 

Some may call it a mid-life crisis when you see us over 50's stepping out and doing new things. I think it's more about mid-life crunch time...we recognize it's time to DO THE THINGS because we just sat through intermission and it's the 2nd Act and it's almost Finale time.
I don't want YOU missing out on timely appointments and enjoyments because you think you can't enjoy going! It's gonna take some time, but you can do this! If I can, YOU CAN! BUT GOD!!! This first time is an Overcoming Moment and it's gonna feel good to make it through without total anxiety. The next time you go, it's actually gonna be fun because your brain remembers the last one and you survived and thrived! From now on, you are going with chin up, eyes wide open, eager to meet God there.

The most important thing I came to realize was it wasn't always about me. Fear and insecurity keeps us focused on ourselves whereas love and blessing focuses us on others. So now, before I go anywhere, alone or with a whole group, I am praying for the Lord to lead me and give me opportunity to be a blessing there. It helps my heart and mind to stay in eager anticipation to listen and look for God's direction. 

Do I still have a good time when I am focused on others? Yes. The possibility to be used by God is exciting! Now, I love going places and meeting people. I am still an introvert so, after so many people, I do need some quiet space to recharge! Experiencing events without the complete freak out overwhelm is so much fun!!! You ready?!?

Here are a few quick tips to get you going places in peace and courage:
♥️PRAYER! Ask Him to lead you. Also, guard your energy before and during with Prayer. Deep breathes, enjoy conversations that uplift and bring you joy. Move away from the drama if you walk up on it or if you begin feeling depleated. Sometimes a little bathroom break or stepping outside for a minute helps with that fresh breath.

♥️Look for ways to volunteer beforehand if it’s an event of any kind. Otherwise, walk around or stand in the back, look for ways to help serve, greet or help others.

♥️If you are still needing a Buddy, Get One!! Invite a buddy so attention can be deflected as needed. Be sure to let your friend know your level of anxiety or nervousness so they can step in if they see you struggle with words or energy. If I find myself with someone who talks non-stop, plus it is negative chatter, it's like someone has pulled out my battery's drain plug. I deplete quick. I also don't last long with surface conversations. I can manage for a bit if it's relative, but otherwise, I try my best to move along.

♥️No sugars or caffeine’s that day (or few days before) that fire up your adrenals - instead camomile tea and be sure to stay onto of your vitamins. There are great supplements you can take too. Just message me.

♥️Lavender oil is always good to have on you as well as inhaling the hour before, and during! I use diffuser bracelets too. 

♥️Worship the Lord with every breath and count your blessings in that moment! Continually praise and say Thank you Lord for...

♥️Stay in the moment. Look for ways to distract your mind if it becomes anxious and serve in some way. Something as simple as holding a door or saying words of affirmation over another person. Anything that turns your brain from fret to bless! This is when you ask God show you where to go from here.

Don’t miss out on life. Open up and release the fear of the unknown, fear of rejection. Trust and Faith. You only get one life, so LIVE IT!! Do not let fear steal moments, steal blessings. 

Sister, remember this, it's not always about YOU! Perhaps the Lord has invited YOU into this space to bless someone else, to be His hands, heart and feet to someone else. Don't miss out on those Divine Appointments and Enjoyments! Walk with eager anticipation! He's Got you!!! 

It's Time!! Let's Go in Love and Faith!!! He is able to do exceedingly more than you can imagine! And you know what else, YOU are a blessing to those you will meet too! And when you bless, you receive too! I am so proud of you already! I hope one day to cross paths with you at an event! We will have so much fun in the back row, TOGETHER but who knows, maybe we will end up on the dance floor! 

Hugs, High 5's and Blessings! 
Yo Big Sister Shell

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Encouragement When You Feel Depressed and Alone

We can find comfort knowing God is Who He says He is and gives us exactly what we need as we need it. You cannot borrow joy, or grace. You cannot create peace. You cannot move mountains, divide oceans, calm storms, or create life from ashes. But God is more than able to do exceedingly more than we can ever imagine. Do you trust Him as YOUR Honest Answer?! Surrender your heart into His...He won't drop you.

Trusting God's Plan for Your Life : Golf & God

Hole 1. 

Not wanting to get in his way, I sat back in the golf cart taking in the scenery, watching my man-child study his million dollar shot on the fairway. I didn’t care if he hit it off into the other side of the course on Hole 6. I was loving just being there.
So, I climbed out of the cart and would stand up and watch it and half the time I lost it in the sky. 

He'd holler over, “Did ya see that?!?” Yes, I saw it on the tee, but then I lost it against the blue sky drenched with white puffy clouds.

After a few missed viewings he called me over to the green, “Come here Mama. Stand right next to me and you will be able to watch the ball from where I stand and see where it goes.” 

I felt kinda awkward standing there in my blue jeans, flip flops with big ol camera in hand. But, he was right. The view and perception were grand! 

Standing closer, I could actually see the ball take flight. 


What a wonderful moment and a perfect view! I could see his facial expressions as he focused and was taking aim. I noticed the slight adjustments his body made as he positioned himself on the course. I felt the hush, the determination, the power of his swing.

And then I watched as he executed the full body twist and swing. What an adrenaline rush to be so close and feel what he feels, see what he sees. Guess where I stood for the rest of the time...yep, just behind him. There was no better view than his!

When we draw close to God, we have the same thrill and advantage as we position ourselves for the perfect view. 

Just as my son didn't explain to me where he would send the ball, God doesn’t always explain the path to us either. We stand with Him because we desire to see what He sees and we trust His intentions appreciating the closeness more than the outcome.

How true it is when we draw closer seeking our Lord that we find the joy of seeing His expressions of grace and love, compassion and mercy. The closer we get, the clearer we see the slight changes in His direction as He leads us along still waters, through valleys from glory to glory and grace upon grace. 

We can feel His intensity and power. 

Nothing on this side of Heaven is more thrilling to me than seeing God do His thing, from His creation to His compassion. He is wonderful Savior, beautiful Counselor and Mighty Warrior. 

There is none like Him and we are each invited to stand next to Him, to see a view much grander than from the sidelines.

Yes, it may feel awkward and you may feel out of place at times when God calls you up to the greens, but I promise you, you will not regret the view! 

(And, by the way, up on the greens is where you can better see the sand pits, water dangers and gators on the banks! Trust me, you want to be on The Greens!)

Matthew 7:7-8 ESV "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 
For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."

Psalm 23 
"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 
He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. 
He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

How To Stop Being a People Pleaser and Live Where Faith Is As You Are

Share your testimony and use words if necessary. ♥️
I’m the first one to say I AM NOT PERFECT!!! I admit I tried hard for it for many years, never achieving it cuz NO ONE CAN be but Jesus. It wore me out trying to be everything to everyone. 

Another struggle for me was taking off the mask, another blog for another time. When you are someone who struggles with insecurity, your greatest fear is rejection. The greatest rejection being rejection of self as you share yourself out into the world. So we wear the mask and build walls.

🌸Freedom came when I realized I couldn’t be perfect and those whom I was measuring myself up to didn’t expect me to measure up to them- it was my insecurity seeing myself as less than they.

🌸Freedom came when I stopped expecting perfection from myself.

🌸Freedom came when I surrendered my worry, fear, insecurity in who I saw myself as and began to learn who I was created to be and chose to live a life of Grace and Acceptance in the name and identity of Christ my Savior.

🌸Freedom came when I let go of all I was trying to control and let God carry those burdens, hopes and prayers knowing He holds everything together and has a plan beyond what I could imagine.

🌸Freedom comes when we let God be God! He doesn’t need our plans or suggestions. As a Mama, I also had to let Him be the Holy Spirit in my home. I released myself from thinking that was somehow my part as a Mom. I learned to surrender control and wow, that weight was heavy, and not mine to carry. Mamas, pray for you Husbands and Kiddos and move out of the way at the Amen.

♥️He knows those decade long prayers. 
♥️He sees the hurt that just stabbed your soul. 
♥️Every tear is caught by Him. 
♥️Sometimes He moves the mountain and sometimes He moves you. 

Whatever you are facing, be FREE!!! Got on the trust bus….In Jesus, He will equip you to accomplish the things He has called you to. He’s not gonna mold you or shape you into someone else’s likeness.The peace you are looking for deep in your soul are found in Jesus, just as you are, where you are.

‼️He created YOU to be YOU, in the likeness of HIM!!‼️

Live FREE and sharpen others to do the same!! 
Let’s stir one another up!! 
1 Thess 5:11🌸♥️

God Loves You! God Sees You! God Hears You!

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Overwhelmed Mom Tips for Living a Life of Peace and Calm

I didn't used to count the stars at night, or watch the trees blow outside the window. I didn't used to pay attention to the incredible colors of a sunset or glowing moonlight across the waters or open skies. I was much too busy for that...until one day I had to.

It was a season of young Mom life, miscarriages, raising 4 kiddos, serving in the church, serving my family, taking care of my household as a Stay at Home Mama. The Lord brought a season of stillness but it wasn't the stillness I imagined or would ever have hoped for.

This stillness was the calm before the storm...then the storm came....then the rebuilding season began.
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