How to Be a Peacemaker when you are anxious

In this blog post, the author reflects on the difference between being a peacemaker and a peacekeeper. They share their personal experience of being an avoider and how it affected their ability to handle conflict and confrontations. The author encourages shy and insecure individuals to find their voice and speak their truth, emphasizing that true peace is found in Jesus and His love. They highlight the importance of extending peace to others and embracing peace in our own lives. The author concludes by urging readers to stand firm, be courageous, and speak truth in love, quoting James 3:13, 17-18.

How I Faced a Fear I have had since 2008 and WON! Testimony Time

At first, I thought it was possible altitude sickness or claustrophobia...

January 2008: 
I struggled on one of our SCUBA dives in Belize which had a strong current that day

May 2008
We were taking the kids to the Caverns outside Austin, Texas and half way though, I couldn't breathe in the humid air, saw one way out was through a small carved out hallway to finish the tour, the other was back up where I knew the path. Josh felt fine and finished the tour with the kids.

December 2008: 
Toured the Hoover Dam in Vegas and from the moment we stepped on the crammed in like sardines elevator and into the cave below, it was overcome with not being able to breath and left the tour with some Angels unaware. A story for another time.

From that moment on, the breaths never returned to normal. A flip had been switched on inside me. It would be waves upon waves...eventually, we received the diagnosis "panic attacks."

ME?!? NOT EVEN POSSIBLE” I thought....

Did I struggle with fear most of my life? Insecurity? Trust? Well, yes….

I am the most passive, peaceful and calm person you'll ever know. He replied, "For most people that's exactly true for them too."

This is the Silent Crisis Season where my tests created a new testimony of faith for me. It was in this season, I found God's Heart. 

I just have to say, while the healing has come, PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY, HE gets ALL THE GLORY in my story, I have not been able to consider caverns since that weekend in 2008. I didn't want to trigger something old.
I had some of the same fears about cruising and God recently broke off those chains, story for another time. I knew GRACE and trust. I knew scary surrender. BUT GOD! It was beautiful! 

Last week, I found myself 164 ft below ground in Virginia Caverns. WOW WOW WOW. I did, GOD did it but I trusted His hold!! 

Was it hard, sure. Healing is such a funny thing. Courage is such a complex thing. 

I am FLAT OUT Grateful & Humble. His grace is sufficient. Trust me, oh have I pleaded over many things, many times. I have begged for less of me and more of Him. He has been so faithful.

This is Livin' Where Faith Is.

I am thankful for this season of writing to bring me back to hard seasons so I can stand in great awe of where He has brought me. I pray HE is glorified, seen and pleased. How I pray I serve Him well. My heart is all His as His is all mine.

Friend, God Loves You.
He sees you.
He hears you.
He is near.
He knooooooowssssss.......grace upon grace.

Here's me, somewhere 164 ft deep in gratitude in the Smoky Blue Ridge Mountains.....more videos to come, and an actual blog, likely an entire book! heehee

Glory to God in the Highest!!! The Great I Am, Healer and Protector of our Hearts.

What can YOU choose to face today? This week?!? Something you want to, but have been afraid to? Another one of mine is walking bridges...another is hiking...another is heights...being an event...publishing my book...even holding a chicken! Yep, I said it! 

What about YOU!?! Get your worship joy ON!!!! Let's Go!!!!!

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

4 Steps for Getting Started and Not Stuck in Personal Development as a Christian (and a Mom)

Congratulations on your decision to embark on a journey of personal growth and development! This is a significant achievement, especially for those who have struggled with anxiety and insecurity. By trusting in yourself and in God, you are bravely setting aside your fears and pride to say, "Help Me Grow."

Starting off on this path may feel overwhelming and scary, but it is a normal part of the process. However, it's important to note that personal development is different from simply solving problems. It's about growth and learning, and sometimes this may be unfamiliar territory, especially if you are a stay-at-home mom. You may have approached learning as a means to fix things, but now it's about developing new skill sets and becoming a leader, even within your own home.

As you begin your personal development journey, it's common to feel both excited about the possibilities and humbled by how much you still have to learn. Unfortunately, this vulnerability can become a trigger for anxiety. The enemy will try to highlight your weaknesses and discourage you from growing closer to God. Insecurity may tell you that you're not ready or capable of leading, but remember that faith tells you that you are capable of doing all things with God by your side. Courage isn't the absence of fear, but the willingness to act despite it.

To navigate this journey, here are a few steps you can take: First, acknowledge that feeling nervous is a natural part of growth. Trust that God will provide what you need, whether it's building up or tearing down. Second, surrender control and understand that it's okay to be scared. Cast your cares on God and ask for His strength and guidance. Third, surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can offer support and accountability. Lastly, evaluate your environment and be mindful of the influences around you, as what you listen to can impact your personal development.

Remember that personal growth is a continuous process, and there will always be new challenges as you continue to learn and develop. Embrace the grace in the hard times and avoid getting swept away by doubts and insecurities. Take one step at a time and don't let fear hinder your progress. Trust that God is with you every step of the way and allow Him to prune, cleanse, and lead you. This is an adventure worth embarking on, and God's heart is for you as you grow and shine your light.

How to Make a Decision when You're Anxious trying New Things

In this blog post, the author shares her personal experiences of fear, anxiety, and insecurity when faced with new things. She emphasizes that embracing new adventures can transform our lives if we say yes to the new path and walk by faith, not by sight. The author provides three steps to overcome fear and embrace new experiences: pray for trust and surrender, partner up with like-minded sisters for support and mentorship, and praise through worship to dissolve worry and cast aside insecurities. She encourages readers to let go of the fear of the unknown and to have faith as they boldly step through open doors.

Mom Stress : Is trying to be Super Mom stressing you out?!? Part 2

In a recent blog post, the author shares her journey of realizing the need to block not just her time, but also her energy. Creating a calendar in a word document, she meticulously listed out all the tasks and responsibilities she needed to accomplish each day. Recognizing the impossibility of getting everything done quickly while considering the energy required, she also learned the importance of taking time off. Giving herself permission to rest, she set aside a specific time each day to take a guilt-free break, as well as waking up early to pray, meditate, and prepare for the day. This intentional approach allowed her to reset and feel accomplished, avoiding burnout. She encourages others to do the same and provides practical tips for managing time and energy effectively.
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