Dorm Essentials : Helping Your College Kid Have a Healthy Mindset


Remember how FUN starting college was but also so overwhelming to navigate! Our teens are faced with even greater social pressures with the added element of social media access. This generation experiences a social pressure and presence we did not have.

Even if you think they don't listen to you, deep in your heart, know they are. While we have been training them up for these past 18 years, it's still important to send them off with reminders to help them prioritize the well-being of their minds even if they think they already know it all. Behind the eye rolls, you know are coming, they do appreciate these highlights as they walk into the new open doors....and so do YOU!

Our thoughts impact how we view our current reality, influencing how we perceive and interact with the world around us, including our college-bound teen. Along with prayer, incorporating a few simple practices can make a world of difference for them AND for YOU.

These are some simple truths my teen and I discussed as WE prepared for move out day and life in college. I pray they are encouragements for you too. It's amazing how easily we can slip away from common sense in times of stress and transition, even when it's all happy things!

First, start by being mindful of the content you consume. 
Limit exposure to negative news and surround yourself with positive influences. As a believer, staying grounded in The Word is so important and seeking Him first in the day, and in every situation. If you need to set up parent controls on your devices, even as an adult, do it! It's up to YOU to protect YOU from YOU! Also, if you are looking for a Daily Reading Plan, there are tons in the You Version app, and they are all free!! 

Second, pay attention to the people you surround yourself with. 
Our friends can take us from one mood to another with just a text, or a look. They can lead us to Christ, or away from Him. Our teens may not have experienced unequally yoked friendships yet so this is a good time to share with them the value of like-minded friends and how powerfully they can help us stay steadfast and grounded in the Ways of Christ in every season of life, especially big life transitions. 

Praying for the circle of influence around them, and also around us, their teachers and our own mentors, our friends and their friends helps us keep God in the midst of our relationships. Then, we can trust those open and closed doors when they come and walk through this new season without feeling overwhelmed or alone...or tempted towards worldly pleasures.

Next, taking our "vitamins!" 
It is super important in order to think clearly and have a healthy brain for processing but one of the most forgotten Vitamins is G : Gratitude. Practice gratitude daily. Taking time to acknowledge the good things in life helps rewire our brains for optimism and hope-filled living.  College is hard for EVERYONE and it will be important to take those prayerful deep breaths, in order to think clearly before making quick decisions! Some things take time to get adjusted to and remember, you can do all things with Him!! 

Community Connections and Connecting to Self:
Engaging in hobby or ministry activities that promote movement and positivity like prayer, dancing, exercise, worship, meditation, outdoor experiences, volunteering and serving others, endless fun hobbies, or journaling, can aid in centering our thoughts and reducing stress. creating playlists in Spotify or other music apps is fun to be able to share with others too!

We cannot forget Mindfulness. 
Guard your heart and mind and renew them daily. Prayer alongside essential oils, good supplements, good friends, a healthy mindset, God's Word & Worship provide healthy, natural support for physical and emotional relaxation that lends us into peace and joy and mental clarity nd spiritual strength that brings us closer to the Lord's purposesnd provisions, to bring Him glory along the path He has set before us each. 

It IS a big deal. It IS going to take intentionality. It IS an adjustment. There will be misunderstandings, tears and awkward conversations in the process...but when we lay the foundation of Love, Trust, Joy, Hope and lean in to the new season with openness and honesty, and again, will be full of growth for both you and your teen.
Seek Him FIRST!!!! Pray fervently! Do not fear! Do not be afraid! You trained them up to go!!!!

It's time Mama.....

Stay close to the Lord, surround yourself with fish-filled friends and be grateful for the blessing to have raised them to go! You did it!!! You're doing it!!!! You're not alone!!!!! He is near. Lean in. He's got you BOTH!!!!!

Blessings and Heart Hugs,

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Dorm Life Essentials: Diffuse Toxins in the Room and the Mind


Living the college dorm life can be hectic and overwhelming. Between classes, assignments, studying, and social activities, it's essential to have a calm and soothing environment that feels like your sanctuary. While it is important to have good nutrition, a healthy mindset and body, the air is just as important! What can you do when you can't have candles / open flames?? A diffuser! 

They are SO EASY to use too! Simply add water and 2-4 drops of oil, and yes, creating your own blend is fun too! I'll share some of our favorite blends below. No flames, no noise, no mess and it has a timer on it! There are many kinds out there so find one you love.

Incorporating the power of essential oils into your dorm room, you can easily create a calm and healthy atmosphere that supports your physical and mental well-being which is especially important for first time college students.

1. Improve Concentration and Focus:

Studying for long hours can be mentally draining. Thankfully, certain essential oils are known to enhance cognitive function, memory, and concentration. Peppermint and Lemon oils helps maintain mental clarity and focus. Say goodbye to those dreaded brain fog moments and bad for you energy drinks! If you need something to sip on alongside your water, try Nitro and Zyng!  

2. Promote Relaxation and Reduce Stress:

College life comes with its fair share of stress and anxiety. Transform your dorm room into a peaceful oasis by diffusing the soothing scents of Lavender, Joy, or Stress Away essential oils. These calming aromas can help anxiety and promote relaxation, making it easier for you to chill out after a long day of classes.

3. Purify the Air and Boost Immunity:

Dorm rooms often have poor air quality due to limited ventilation. We did buy an inexpensive air purifier from Amazon to help but we also sent our girl with a diffuser to strengthen her immune system which we know will take a hit the first 90 days. 

As we get set up to move in and for a once a day session, she will run the cinnamon and clove essential oil blend, known for its powerful antiviral and antimicrobial properties, to cleanse the air and ward off nasty germs, giving her a healthy breathing environment.

Not to forget mentioning insects....they will be less of an issue in this dorm room!! 

4. Good Sleep:

A good night's sleep is essential for academic success. Diffuse Cedarwood, Lavender, or Roman Chamomile essential oils before bedtime to create a tranquil environment. These calming scents help promote relaxation and prepare your mind and body for a restful night's sleep.

Don't let the stress of college life take a toll on your student's overall well-being. Enhance the dorm room experience with a diffuser and enjoy the benefits of improved focus, relaxation, purified air, and a positive sleep routine. Embrace the power of nature to transform your dorm room into a calming haven where you can thrive academically and recharge both your mind and body.

Read more from our Dorm Life Essentials series, here. Happy Diffusing!!!

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

How To Change Your Mindset from Fear to Faith

Do you ever feel like every thought you have is a wrestling match of good vs bad? You are afraid yet confident...excited but terrified? Anticipating yet avoiding?!? Or is it just me!?!

God is faithful and uses our tests for testimonies if we let go of fear and pride to let Him use us!! In the beginning of your personal development journey, you realize how much you don't realize about your thoughts. As much as a positive thinker I am, I have allowed fear to set up an ocean of fear that my thoughts soak in. I assumed I was just a worrier. I assumed I was just cautious. It wasn't until I began learning I could discipline and cleanse my body and my mind, renewing it day by day, in faith, with grace, through Love. 

It begins with prayer. Asking and Seeking His presence first of your day, throughout your day, as you laid down your head. In our prayers, affirming Who He is as our Father and Friend. It is confessing your fears and doubts and releasing them from your control, turning them over to His control. It's adoration, sitting in worship and gratitude. 

When we set our minds on things from above, our hearts and faith strengthen.

Since this learning, I am constantly soaking my thoughts in the deep living waters of faith. This is where I have found peace and joy.

There is no depth too deep, shoreline too far or hug of God too far from you. He hears you and sees you because He loves you so very much and nothing can separate you from His Sweet Love! 

Fear IS a lair!
Fear IS a trap!
Fear IS isolating!
Fear IS suffocating!
Fear IS weakening!
Fear IS minimizing!
Faith IS strengthening!!
Faith IS plentiful!!
Faith IS reaching!!
Faith IS embolding!!
Faith conquers Fear!
Walk by FAITH, do not fear!

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. 
So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones." Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭50:20-21‬ ‭ESV‬‬

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

How to be Brave as a Christian

I just didn’t know I could change. I thought I was just me. When it’s all you know, it’s simply all you know. This is why speaking life is so important along with Sisterhood, Mentorships, personal development and community.

Born into the Cradle Roll at our church by a military Dad and Friend-to-Everyone Mom, “going above and beyond and doing the right thing" was basically my DNA. You add in my shy, insecure personality and there ya have your official Shy Girl, Holy Rolly, Goodie Two Shoes, always trying to be perfect and pure, not causing any issues, church girl.

I accepted my Less-Than-Ness, fueled in the comparison game of observing the brilliance and beauty of everyone else seemingly living the perfect life. While my mindset was completely wrong, my heart was pure, desiring to be better and live "right" before God, family and others. It would be many, many years later I learned to live a life of Grace and honor rather than perfection and perception.

You don’t have to go very far online or out in the world to discover the next newest thing you don’t have and why you (apparently) need it now!

You can't help but wonder if it could be true. Those of us who struggle with insecurity are the perfect customer for these commercials. We are willing to try any and every thing out there in the quest for becoming better.

After years of self-doubt and constant fear of judgement, I collapsed under the pressure falling prostrate into a pit. Thankfully God knew I was heading that way, and He had already lined it with grace. 

Grace softened my fall. It bruised me, and scared me, but it didn't kill me. 

Grace caught me. 

Grace said Just be you. Grace said Life is short. Grace said Worship, not worry. Grace said Fear not! Grace said I am capable and you are in My hands. Grace said Follow Me, not them. Grace said My grace is sufficient enough for you! Grace said It’s Time! Get up and go!

This is one of the things in my life I wish I would have learned sooner. I wish I would have understood Grace and more important God’s love for me. I wish I would have learned about His heart sooner rather than in my 30’s. I am forever grateful for the season in the pit, as painful as it was, I was refined and chiseled as I tumbled about. 

Friend, know God loves you so much and He is near. Be courageous and confident in His Love and live in this Gift of Grace. Take time to be still and know, asking and seeking His heart for you. 

By grace, you are saved and held. By grace, you are brave. By grace, you are whole! Yo are fearfully and wonderfully made with a Divine purpose meant only for YOU!! You are YOU for this very reason! He has equipped you for such a time as this!! Rise up and Go in Grace!

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 
2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

How To Say No to Others while Saying Yes to God

Let's Start out this Monday with a Confession shall we?!?!

I used to think it was a kind, humble, heroic and a Servant-Leadership quality to say YES to e v e r y t h i n g. 
Yes, I will do that for you.
Yes, I can do that.

Whether it was for my kids, my husband, my friend, my church, my neighbor...I said Yes. People-Pleasing, yes but not in the I need their approval kind of way, rather I thought I would be exemplifying the Love of Jesus by serving and helping others if they asked. 

This was a problem in 2 big ways:
1.) I burned out and found myself running on fumes trying to be everything to everyone regardless if I felt able to (or wanting to) which caused anxiety, anger, frustration, shutting down in depletion, to name a few. There were many days I felt like a Doormat. Some days I felt like a Vending Machine. 
2.) I was taking someone's else's blessing of serving in their place. I was a quick Yes without praying and asking God if this was my Yes or someone else's. Which also meant that I may have missed my own Yes Blessing because I was doing theirs.

Once I crashed and burned, God sat me down for a season and said, Enough with that. I need you to meet with Me first. I AM your Yes, No, Not Yet.

This is why I am always quoting Matthew 6:33. It's so important we seek what God has prepared and planned for us. Some things may be amazing opportunities and reasons to say Yes, but if God hasn't called you to it, it will feel hard, frustrating, depleting and like you are working with weights on. You may be able to do the things, but are you supposed to be doing those things is the real question.

It's so important for so many reasons why we need to Seek Him, Ask Him, first! We can't outrun God or fall so far behind He can't bring us to the right place, but we certainly can get stuck in an unnecessary wilderness or walked needlessly the wrong way and missed out on some blessings prepared for us.

Prayerful considerations are what are stablished within learning boundaries. Boundaries for setting up the guardrail and launching pad that prayer comes first before my word is given, be it a yes or no. Boundaries for knowing where my strengths and weaknesses and allowances are.

Prayer to ask God if this is something He has set up for you. Prayer to ask God for the strength and courage to do it if you don't think you are able or qualified. Prayer to release the selfish desire to be the hero and instead step back and support the one called to so the thing. Wherever He leads, this is where I set my eyes and energy. 

Of course, this I not being legalistic to ask God , My Child is sick, should I stay home with them or go shopping with a friend, Should I buy my friend a cup of coffee when we go out, Should I let someone get in line in front of me at the store because their baby is ready to go home. God gives is common sense and discernment for every day life things. Some things won't be super easy, or obvious which those are the moments we Seek Him. 

Knowing we'd need Community support, encouragement and iron sharpening iron mentorships, He created us for each other to intertwine our paths. Titus 2, Proverbs 27:17...such valuable relationships (gifts) in our lives!!!! 

Teaching these things to her too, my mini-me empath, generous, compassionate, people-living, God-loving Girl.

Lord, Thank You for Your loving kindness, patience and gentleness to restore, renew and return us back to You. We confess when we run ahead of You, pull us back Lord. We confess when we are stubborn or afraid and we hide behind, pull us up Lord. We need You to Lead us. Be our Guide, our Shield, our YES and AMEN!!!! 
We need and love You so much, in Your Son's Merciful and Grace upon Gracious Name, amen.

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,
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