Overcoming Fear of Flying : But God!

I declared I would never fly again even though I had many miles under my belt. I took that declaration back, April 2009. Flying had become my new Goliath. I was desperate for courage like David, and the audacity of Paul. I knew the enemy wanted to keep me chained to the ground but God had prepared for me to fly.

The week to take this Fear No More flight had arrived. I had planned all week to study, exercise,, cut all caffeines and sugars, and be prepared for the flight. My check list was plentiful of all I had to do to make sure the flight was a success. Yes, notice the "I."

The very first morning of "the plan," I woke up with a fever. For 3 days, I had no energy or focus...on the week I needed it the most. Anxiety swelled within me. I had planned and prepared for NO anxiety. Apparently HE had other plans.

How was going to have a successful flight? How was not going to have a full out panic attack on the plane and potentially have a heart attack? 

Finally, the day before the flight I woke up without any symptoms. Yah, weird, but so goes spiritual warfare.

I leaped outa bed knowing I had MUCH to do to catch up on with The Plan to take down Goliath...sooo much studying to make up for and prayers to pray, salads to eat and vitamins to take.

Then, I heard in my spirit, "Lay back down." I literally laughed, there was NO WAY I was going to lay back down, are you kidding me?! I had so much to do!! 

I started to get out of bed a second time. And the voice repeated, "Lay back down." Ummmm, don't think so. But I couldn't shake that maybe, just maybe it was the Holy Spirit. 

I prayed asking for discernment if this was temptation or really God? It only made sense that it was Satan not wanting me to get out of bed to work my worship. 

I prayed....waiting for something...I didn't know what I was waiting for. 

At first, I was a little huffy....tapping my spiritual foot on the floor anxiously anticipating an explanation of why I was here and not over there getting stuff done. There may have even been an eye roll as I yanked the covers back over my chest. I had no clue and honestly, I felt frustrated wasting my time laying there, waiting.

So, I finally just asked God, "Why am I supposed to do now? Why am I here when I need to be getting myself ready for tomorrow?" What do you want to say? 

After a short Holy pause, He spoke..."I won't drop you." 

It was and still remains one of the most profound moments of my life. It was more than assurance of a panic free, non-crashing, non-freaking out flight, but as a whole, God is with me, He is near, He is not going to fail me. He won't drop me. This was His Plan. He was my Way. He was My Refuge and Strength, He was my Answer. He was my Calm. HE was The Plan!

I actually laid there in a Holy Hush and realized that I had been relying on myself, and not on God. I was working in my own strength, not trusting His provision of Grace. 

I had become controlling believing my success was all up to me and my efforts and ability to break the chains. I had placed my hope and success in the fruits of my own efforts.

But God!! His grace is sufficient and patience so abundant!

So the next time you prepare for battle, armor up and line up. God stands ready to fight with you, you need not fight alone!!

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
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Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Why Good Friends are Important (Especially if You're an Introvert)

Why Good Friends are Important (Especially if You're an Introvert)
Do we really need friends?!? I didn’t used to think so. Jesus was enough of a BFF for me, so I thought. Then I wondered why I felt unseen and unbelonging. 

As an Introvert, we keep a little more tucked in than those extroverted souls in our life, making the establishment of friendships like finding a needle in a haystack. Sure, we can make Virtual Friends who feel real world to us, and it’s so fun, but there's something different and special about physically close, in person, feel your energy, pray together connections. 

Friendships take a lot of trust and energy and if I was honest, I just didn’t have either one to give.

Once I opened my heart to trusting God’s plan of community living, understanding the importance of iron sharpening iron, Titus 2 relationships, I began to pray for like-minded, spiritually bound, authentic relationships. These are thrilling but still scary prayers when you invite someone into the sacred space of your heart. You fear judgment, betrayal and rejection which is why not having friends seems safer. 

This is the twisted truth the enemy would like you to believe.

Truth is, we were built for community and instructed to serve as one part to the many. Will everyone enter the chambers of your inner heart circle? No. You filter through prayer asking God to show you who is meant to be there for such a time as this.

Friends are important because they are the few who reach into the daily grind of life and spotlight the things in our world, calling us out in the good, and sometimes not so good. Without them, where does our heart release it’s joys and sorrows? How are we sharpened if there is no other iron? 

Friends help us navigate seasons of life. A Good Friend will armor up to fight alongside you. They will sit with us beside still waters and remind us to be still and know God is near when our world feels chaotic. They share in our victories and help us laugh when we just want to cry.

Near hearted friends touch us with love and pray for us in the knowing and seeing. Genuine Sister Friends sharpen our dull edges and buff out the rough ones. 

Let’s be real here too. It is work, and hurt happens. The enemy will always come against covenant connections. Keeping Christ at the center and simply being aware and honest about it guards, restores and continually binds the cord of 3 strands, not easily broken. 

Good Friends are gifts from God and this requires your choosing to get out into the real world so your heart can connect with real love. Let not your heart be troubled my Introvert Sister. Let your walls down to the ones God brings into your life. You will recognize her by her boots and shovels ready to dig in, coffee and soft blankets for quiet moments, as she walks in through doors prayer opened with her love in her hand and His Love in her heart. 

May this new year bring you the blessing of community and good friends! Pray for the energy and trust to not be scared or shy. It’s essential you do!

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11,19

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

How to Manage Panic Attacks as a Christian Woman

 How to Manage Panic Attacks as a Christian Woman
Who even thinks about praising God in the midst of a crisis or more specifically, a panic attack? Panic/anxiety attacks are no joke. 

You literally feel like you’re having a heart attack....tight chest, pain shooting down the left arm, shallow breath, echo chamber with static in your head and swirly mental balance, ready to fall down or run you aren't sure. 

What you are sure about is feeling like you are about to die and you can't help but wonder where is God!

If you suffer from these I’m so sorry. I did too. While I wouldn’t wish it on anyone and I pray I never return to it, I am grateful for the new life birthed. God our Redeemer showed me how to turn my life of worry and panic into a life of praise.

The tears sowed in this season were the seedlings God used to grow my personal growth and writing journey. 

God set me on a path of healing in my life I didn’t even know I needed healing from. 

This is the grace of God. He won’t stand by and let us dwell helpless in a pit, playing small, thinking we are insignificant when He has created us for a fruitful life with Divine purpose. 

So how do we praise God in the midst of a crisis or panic attack? How do we worship in our worry?

 Eventhough I grew up in church and knew all the Bible Stories and participated in every Bible Study on a Tuesday night, served on Church Staff for years…I struggled in the beginning to praise and worship. I was scared, mad, sad, confused.

Day by day, God graciously chiseled at the thick brick wall fear and I had co-built around my heart for so many years. I was blind, but then I began to see.

Could I trust Him to be my shield? 
Could I trust Him to never leave me or forsake me?
Would His grace ever run out?
Am I worth His time?

Every morning at 3am, I woke up with my heart racing and mind spinning. My soul cried out every morning, “Why have You forsaken me Lord, I have lived my entire life surrendered to You, desiring to serve You, live life happily with You my Best Friend, the only One I trust in all the world. I need You. Is this it?! Am I done serving You here? Are You done with me?”

In these morning cries for answers, His voice became more clear to me and with every breath, I felt The Be Still and Know hold me. It was this season, God showed me His heart's hug.

My healing wasn’t just one thing that “fixed” me. There are no magic pills, prayers, potions or lotions, but there are amazing resources, the main one being Jesus, but also healing helps through people and products. 
Alongside seeking outside help, here are some of the simple every day life things I did. Maybe they will help you too as you seek your next best steps. 

  • Pray without ceasing, rejoicing always, giving thanks in all circumstances.
  • Wake Up and Go To Sleep every night with Gratitude, blessings proclaimed (worship)
  • Ask God to bring supporting Sisters to you who will cover you with wisdom, prayer and strength
  • Research healthy lifestyles - nutrition, exercise. mindset, daily habits, boundaries, journaling, worship, etc
  • Limit sugars and caffeines, get good sleep, honor your Temple
  • Find calm moments in your day, every day to be still and breathe
  • Practice acceptance, surrender, trust and meditation
  • Embrace Grace!! Create space for grace in your heart and home!
I no longer panic, praise God my Healer! I pray that for you too! Friend, because He lives and created all things, we have everything we need, we just need to let Him lead us to it.

You’re not alone and today is a new day full of mercies and grace, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Friend, God does not waste your tears and trials. They are refining fires, seedlings with purpose. Trust His heart is for you and He loves you! 

In Jesus Name, you are soooo held, loved, seen, sealed and protected by the Blood. Trust Him by His Word and worship that devil out as you rest, read, trust and surrender in the power and peace of Christ our Savior. Amen.♥️

God loves You and He’s Got you!
Heart Hugs, 

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
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Heart Hugs and Blessings,

My Black Friday Buys every year for Anxiety and Skin Issues

It's SAVE MONEY DAY!!!! Let's Go Black Friday Deals!! Amazon, I am coming for ya!! 

Got me SOME DEALS today! If you are in YL...GET THOSE DEALS Y'ALL!!!! 
I created 2 bundles on my site for the two MOST COMMON things people message me about: SKIN HELP & ANXIETY/STRESS HELP!

Links below but FIRST, TIPS!

Skin: Holidays mean extra stress and treats...sooo, don't skip washing your face when you feel too tired and just want to fall asleep! Wash Yo Face! They have a whole skincare set you can grab but I didn't link those, just the oils/lotions. You can totally poke around the site and swap or add things.
If you find yourself with a zit, tap on some toothpaste and let it dry, and go to bed. It helps kill bacteria and dry it up. I use the Thieves toothpaste so not sure if all would work here, but for DIY...it's my deodorant, toothpaste, insect bite relief and zit cream! Watch your sugars and stay extra hydrated!

Heart: these will last you forever because for emotional use, you mostly inhale aromas, rarely applying topically. When I am STRESSED, I inhale AND apply! You don't need all of them, try one or two! Watch your sugars and stay extra hydrated, adding pink himalayan salt and keeping up with your daily vitamins!! Time in nature is also very beneficial! Oh, and laughter....take a chill break and relax!!! 

I have a Favs Tab up at the top too of other favorite things year, feel free to check them out! 

If you want some Keep Your Cool During the Holidays Advice, you can grab that HERE too!!! 

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
This is how YOU get to hug my HEART back!

Heart Hugs and Blessings,

Tips for My Anxious Introvert Sisters at Social Events

As an introvert, annnndd if you struggle with insecurity, doesn’t mean you have to skip out on socials and events. Let's Chat....grab your coffee...it's Sister Time.

I used to avoid going anywhere alone, especially if it was new to me, even if it was an event at my own church. I didn’t wanna show up into the unknown. Not knowing who would be there or what to expect! I missed out on a LOT of love and experiences until I learned it was a good idea to buddy up and not miss out on what could be a blessing!! 

With time and healing and some awesome Sisters to be my Event Buddy, I learned to be courageous and confident enough to go out alone. ALONE! It feels embarrassing to say that because soooo many people don't even think twice about going places alone....not sure whether to blame shyness, insecurity, fear...but I blame the enemy. 

I used to sit in the shame and feeling less-than-ness. Because I was feeling small in my shyness and introvertedness, I saw myself as boring and lacking. I wanted so badly to be fearless, vivacious, fun and extroverted but it wasn't me and trying to be was soooo draining and exhausted me. Knowing it would take so much energy to "keep up" I mostly chose to stay home.

Anyone else?!?

Now, all these years later, I have since hosted events, and plan to do more, mindful of people who are scared to be there just like old me! Funny how God works!!! Sure, depending on the event, I get butterflies, but it's not fear based. 

Whether it's with a Friend, or by myself, I actually enjoy going out to new places, seeing new things, trying new things, walking in the anticipation God is revealing His glory to me, cuz He knows I can't help but shout out the praise and use it as an encouragement for someone else! 

Some may call it a mid-life crisis when you see us over 50's stepping out and doing new things. I think it's more about mid-life crunch time...we recognize it's time to DO THE THINGS because we just sat through intermission and it's the 2nd Act and it's almost Finale time.
I don't want YOU missing out on timely appointments and enjoyments because you think you can't enjoy going! It's gonna take some time, but you can do this! If I can, YOU CAN! BUT GOD!!! This first time is an Overcoming Moment and it's gonna feel good to make it through without total anxiety. The next time you go, it's actually gonna be fun because your brain remembers the last one and you survived and thrived! From now on, you are going with chin up, eyes wide open, eager to meet God there.

The most important thing I came to realize was it wasn't always about me. Fear and insecurity keeps us focused on ourselves whereas love and blessing focuses us on others. So now, before I go anywhere, alone or with a whole group, I am praying for the Lord to lead me and give me opportunity to be a blessing there. It helps my heart and mind to stay in eager anticipation to listen and look for God's direction. 

Do I still have a good time when I am focused on others? Yes. The possibility to be used by God is exciting! Now, I love going places and meeting people. I am still an introvert so, after so many people, I do need some quiet space to recharge! Experiencing events without the complete freak out overwhelm is so much fun!!! You ready?!?

Here are a few quick tips to get you going places in peace and courage:
♥️PRAYER! Ask Him to lead you. Also, guard your energy before and during with Prayer. Deep breathes, enjoy conversations that uplift and bring you joy. Move away from the drama if you walk up on it or if you begin feeling depleated. Sometimes a little bathroom break or stepping outside for a minute helps with that fresh breath.

♥️Look for ways to volunteer beforehand if it’s an event of any kind. Otherwise, walk around or stand in the back, look for ways to help serve, greet or help others.

♥️If you are still needing a Buddy, Get One!! Invite a buddy so attention can be deflected as needed. Be sure to let your friend know your level of anxiety or nervousness so they can step in if they see you struggle with words or energy. If I find myself with someone who talks non-stop, plus it is negative chatter, it's like someone has pulled out my battery's drain plug. I deplete quick. I also don't last long with surface conversations. I can manage for a bit if it's relative, but otherwise, I try my best to move along.

♥️No sugars or caffeine’s that day (or few days before) that fire up your adrenals - instead camomile tea and be sure to stay onto of your vitamins. There are great supplements you can take too. Just message me.

♥️Lavender oil is always good to have on you as well as inhaling the hour before, and during! I use diffuser bracelets too. 

♥️Worship the Lord with every breath and count your blessings in that moment! Continually praise and say Thank you Lord for...

♥️Stay in the moment. Look for ways to distract your mind if it becomes anxious and serve in some way. Something as simple as holding a door or saying words of affirmation over another person. Anything that turns your brain from fret to bless! This is when you ask God show you where to go from here.

Don’t miss out on life. Open up and release the fear of the unknown, fear of rejection. Trust and Faith. You only get one life, so LIVE IT!! Do not let fear steal moments, steal blessings. 

Sister, remember this, it's not always about YOU! Perhaps the Lord has invited YOU into this space to bless someone else, to be His hands, heart and feet to someone else. Don't miss out on those Divine Appointments and Enjoyments! Walk with eager anticipation! He's Got you!!! 

It's Time!! Let's Go in Love and Faith!!! He is able to do exceedingly more than you can imagine! And you know what else, YOU are a blessing to those you will meet too! And when you bless, you receive too! I am so proud of you already! I hope one day to cross paths with you at an event! We will have so much fun in the back row, TOGETHER but who knows, maybe we will end up on the dance floor! 

Hugs, High 5's and Blessings! 
Yo Big Sister Shell

If today's encouragement hugged your HEART today, let me know in the comments or meet me over
 in my Facebook Sisterhood Community! Feel free to share this blog with a friend who needs a heart hug too!
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Heart Hugs and Blessings,
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